While puppies bring almost immeasurable joy to the lives of people everywhere, the first couple of months are often taxing. Unfortunately, your life will revolve around your puppy’s bladder (and his tummy) to a ridiculous degree.
If you’re not standing outside in the cold, trying to coax your little puppy to potty, you’re inside cleaning up a puddle on your kitchen floor (if you’re lucky, that is – some prefer to sprinkle on the carpet).
You’ll learn to be as vigilant as a mother hen, while trying to interpret your dog’s sniffing behavior to catch him before he throws his leg up.
But sometimes, little puppies pee even more than this normal frequency. This should serve as a warning, and you should not just ignore the problem.
Key Takeaways: Why Is My Puppy Peeing So Much?
- Puppies have small bladders, so they often need to urinate pretty frequently. However, puppies that need to tinkle more than once per hour per month of age may be suffering from a health problem (see further explanation below).
- A variety of medical problems can cause puppies to urinate especially frequently, including urinary tract infections, kidney problems, diabetes, and others.
- Puppies may also urinate frequently for behavioral reasons, such as anxiety, attention-seeking behavior, and simply failing to grasp the rules about when and where to relieve himself.
How Often Should a Puppy Pee? What’s Normal?
Adult dogs can hold their bladder for impressive lengths of time. Many only require three trips outside per day, meaning that they are waiting at least 8 hours between pit stops.
But young puppies, whose bladders are much smaller and bladder control much poorer, must be allowed to tinkle far more often than this.
Even if it seems like your dog is peeing in the house right after being outside, it could have already felt like an eternity for your little fella!

For example, an adult dog may drain his water dish and then go fall asleep on the couch all night before needing to pee in the morning. He may really need to go by the time he licks you into a conscious state around 6 AM, but he’ll hold it all night without problem.
Conversely, puppies will usually need to void their bladder within 10 to 30 minutes of filling up their tanks.
In general, young puppies (less than about 6 months old) should be taken out once every hour or two. The AKC suggests that puppies can wait for the same number of hours as their age in months up to about 9 months of age.
This means that a 1-month-old puppy will need to pee every hour, while a 5-month-old puppy will need to relieve himself every 5 hours.
So, if your 5-month-old puppy needs a break every hour or two, something is probably wrong, and you should consult your veterinarian to get your puppy the help he needs.
Your vet can help you treat medical problems, but if your pup is healthy, the root of the problem is probably behavioral in nature. You’ll have to correct these problems (potentially with the help of a trainer or behaviorist).
The Causes of Frequent Urination: Medical Conditions That Cause Dogs to Pee Too Often
There are a number of different reasons your puppy may need to pee often, so don’t expect to get a quick-and-easy answer from your vet.
He or she will likely need to perform several tests – starting with a history and urinalysis, but potentially progressing to blood work and imaging techniques – before arriving at a diagnosis.
Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas either fails to produce enough insulin (the hormone used to process glucose, or blood sugar), or the body becomes insensitive to the insulin produced.
In either case, the result is high blood sugar, which triggers a dog’s kidneys to shed water, thereby stimulating the puppy to empty his bladder. This is one of the common medical reasons a dog may pee while they sleep. Another common symptom of diabetes is excessive drinking and thirst, which exacerbates the peeing problem.
Diabetes is often a congenital defect, which can strike puppies at a relatively early age. While imminently treatable, diabetes cannot be cured. Naturally, it’s important to consult a veterinarian anytime you suspect your dog may be diabetic. You may also need to switch your pooch to a diabetic dog food.
Urinary Tract Infection
Just as they do in people, urinary tract infections can cause puppies to feel a frequent and urgent need to urinate.
Urinary tract infections are usually easy to treat, although some particular bacterial strains are more difficult to eradicate than others. So, as always, prompt veterinary treatment is imperative. Fortunately, most bladder infections are easy to confirm by testing a urine sample.
Note that some puppies may experience urinary tract infections centered around the genital opening. In these cases, spaying or neutering is generally the most effective treatment, rather than antibiotics.
Kidney Infection
Kidney infections can cause many of the same symptoms as urinary tract infections, and they can cause your pup to need more frequent trips outside.
Like urinary tract infections, kidney infections are often treatable with antibiotics.
Bladder Stones
Bladder stones can cause your pup to feel the urgent need to void their bladder. Often, stones of either type will cause blood to occur in the urine, but this can also occur with serious kidney or bladder infections, so it is not diagnostic.
Stones are often very painful for your pup, and they can even be life-threatening, so be sure to get immediate veterinary assistance anytime you suspect this type of problem.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones can also cause your puppy to pee more frequently than normal. However, kidney stones aren’t as common in dogs as they are in people — many times, they don’t even require treatment.
However, it is still imperative that you seek veterinary care, as stones can occasionally obstruct your dog’s ureter, which can be a life-threatening problem.
Some medications can cause a puppy (or an adult dog, for that matter) to pee more than usual. Most veterinarians will warn you of this possibility beforehand, to help alleviate any potential worry on your part.
Although rare, brain or spinal tumors may impart pressure on the nerves between your pup’s brain and bladder, which can impair their ability to control their bladders. For example, while it doesn’t often occur in puppies, some older dogs suffer from Cushing’s Disease.
This affliction usually entails the growth of a benign (non-cancerous) brain tumor, which puts pressure on the pituitary gland. This in turn cause the body’s hormone levels to stray from normal, which can lead to frequent urination.
Common Behavioral Reasons Dogs Pee More Than Normal
After your veterinarian verifies that your puppy is not suffering from some physical malady, it is time to turn your attention to the emotional, mental and behavioral reasons that he’s having problems.
Some of the most common examples of these types of problems include:
Attention-Seeking Behavior
Sometimes, puppies who are not sufficiently stimulated may urinate in inappropriate places as a way of seeking attention from their person. While the attention is often negative (“No! Bad puppy! Don’t pee in the house!!!”), it is better in the pup’s mind than no attention at all.
Fortunately, this is one of the easiest causes of frequent peeing to treat. You just need to get your dog more stimulation, exercise, and attention!
So, get off the couch (or from behind your computer) and go play fetch or scoot around at the park with your pup!.
You may also want to consider investing in some puppy-friendly teething toys or dog puzzle toys which can help keep your pooch stimulated physically and mentally.
Many dogs, especially twitchy little toy breeds (no disrespect intended), pee whenever they get nervous.
While this is obviously better than a medically induced reason for excessive urination, it is often a bit trickier to fix.
More exercise, stimulation, and socialization may help in many cases, but it may also be helpful to provide high-strung dogs with a good “hiding spot” into which they can retreat whenever they are nervous. Dog cave beds are one popular way to provide smaller breeds with a cozy safe space they can feel secure in.
In many cases, these dogs may need the assistance of a professional trainer to feel more secure and stop peeing everywhere.
Also consider if you may be inadvertently causing anxiety in your pup. If you have had an experience where you yelled at your dog and they’ve peed, your pup is becoming afraid of you. This is absolutely something you don’t want to have happen!
Work on showing your dog that you are not a threat and not to be feared. Focus on using positive reinforcement training strategies to help your pup create a positive association with you.

Improper or Incomplete Training
I’m just going to rip the band air right off: You may be the reason your puppy is peeing too much.
Puppies don’t know when they are and are not allowed to go potty right off the bat — it’s your job as an owner to help them develop those skills.
The first step is to develop consistent, firm training methods including those relative to bathroom time. This means taking your pup out on a regular schedule (including anytime he drinks water) and providing plenty of praise and affection when he goes in the right place.
Don’t neglect your pup’s potty routine — taking him out often and regularly is essential for fostering healthy puppy potty behaviors in the future.
Want to learn more about puppy potty training? Check out our puppy house training guide here!
Also remember that puppies don’t have complete control of their bladders when less than a few months old. Sometimes, they don’t understand that they need to go until the urge strikes them. Before they know it, they’re sprinkling on the carpet. Patience is an essential skill for any puppy owner!
It also takes time for puppies to learn how to manage their bladders. Anyone who’s walked an adult dog knows that they often release a lot of urine when they first go outside, but they’ll also pee a little in a dozen more places over the course of the walk. They’ll eventually empty their bladders more-or-less completely, but they keep a little in reserve for marking purposes.
Little puppies simply can’t control their bladders this well, so it takes them a while to figure all of these things out.
Strategies for Dealing with a Perpetually Peeing Pup: Coping with Frequent Urination in Dogs
Depending on the reason your pup is peeing inside, you may need to embrace different strategies and techniques for improving your shared situation.
A few things that may help your tiny tinkler better control his bladder include:
Crate Training
Crate training is one of the most effective methods for teaching puppies the proper place to poop and pee. The basic idea is that you keep your puppy in his or her crate anytime you can’t directly supervise them. Puppies are naturally reticent to pee or poop near their sleeping place, so they will usually instinctually hold it until you let them out.
Of course, you’ll need to let them out to go every hour or two at first, but, over time, you’ll be able to gradually extend the amount of time between potty trips.
If your pup has an accident inside his crate, be sure to clean it thoroughly, to avoid lingering odors, which may trigger him to repeat the offense.
Belly Bands and Diapers
If there is no medical reason your little sprinkler is peeing so frequently, you may just need to mitigate your losses.
One of the best ways to do so is through the use of a belly band (for male dogs) or a diaper (for females). These devices won’t stop them from peeing, but they’ll limit the mess after they’ve done so.
Both types of products typically rely on an absorbent pad or liner, to soak up the inevitable accident. You’ll have to change your pup’s pad frequently, and wash the band regularly, but this is easier (and more sanitary) than trying to clean up the floor constantly.
If you’re feeling crafty, DIY dog diapers are another option, but we think most folks will prefer to just buy a pack of pup diapers and call it a day.
Lengthen Your Pup’s Potty Breaks
If your puppy is prone to peeing immediately after you return from your walks, consider extending your walks a little (this can be especially helpful for pups with higher than normal water intake).
Give him a few more opportunities to trigger his tinkling urge, and more completely empty his bladder. This can be especially helpful when used as part of a crate-training regimen, but it will also help if you simply let your pup wander about the house.

Obliterate Odors
To a large extent, dogs decide where to go based on their nose. Who knows exactly why they pick the places they do, but more often than not, they like going in a place that has been used before, and they do this by using their keen nose to detect the faintest traces of old urine or poop.
You’ll want to be sure you thoroughly – and I mean thoroughly – clean up any accidents. Once you’ve soaked up the puddle, you’ll want to use a high-quality odor-neutralizer to help remove the smell. This is especially important when the accident occurred on the carpet.
Clean it until you can’t smell any residual odor (even with your nose close to the ground), and then clean it once or twice again – your dog’s nose is profoundly more powerful than yours is, so you’ll have to go “above and beyond.”
Breeds That May Be Difficult to Housebreak
Many breeders, veterinarians and trainers consider some breeds to require more frequent bathroom trips or to be more difficult to housebreak than others. However, others dispute this notion, and believe that things like breed and size fail to have an effect on a dog’s need to urinate.
But whether a dog’s breed influences his need to go outside, or if this perceived phenomenon is nothing more than confirmation bias or an example of correlation, rather than causation; the following breeds are among those who experience these problems the most.
Fortunately, most of them are small, which limits the size of the ensuing mess.
- Pekingese
- Jack Russell terrier
- Bichon Frise
- Yorkshire terrier
- Maltese
- Pug
- Beagle
- Bassett Hound
- Chihuahua
- Whippet
- Dachshund
- Pomeranian
Of course, these aren’t the only breeds that can suffer from peeing problems, but they are among those who suffer from these types of problems the most. Just know that if you share your life with one of these four-footers, you may need to provide more frequent potty breaks and be ready to deal with the occasional puddle.
Are you battling a puppy who is constantly making puddles around the house? What types of strategies have you used to correct the problem? Has your vet diagnosed your pup with a bladder infection or other health issue, or is the problem rooted in your dog’s behavior?
Tell us all about your experiences in the comments, below. You never know when your experiences will help someone else out.
December 20, 2022
Hello! My dog, Morty is an 8 month old mixed breed chihuahua/daschund and some other mix, possibly beagle (which I see all fall under the challenging breeds to potty train). He was potty pad trained and i immediately worked on potty training outside since he was 9 weeks old. He does an excellent job going to the door and ringing the bell/crying to hint he needs to go out but it seems we go out once an hour and about 1-3 times during the night as well. He’s crate trained to an extent as he doesn’t want to be in his crate (fights it at first then goes to sleep) and will occasionally cry after a couple hours or cry if he hears me in the apartment moving around. When we go outside he will consistently pee 1-3 times with a large amount at first followed by smaller amounts. I just wonder if this is still normal for his age (8 months) or if I should take him to the vet?
Thank you!
December 20, 2022
Hey there, Jaden.
Well, it is *always* a good idea to contact your vet whenever you’re in doubt about your dog’s health. That said, most dogs will pee more than once while they’re outside (if given enough time to do so).
The first time is generally to (mostly) empty their bladders, but subsequent peeing is for scent marking, etc.
July 29, 2022
I have a 14 week old Irish Setter Poodle mix. I am having such a hard time getting her to stop going outside to urinate every 10 minutes or so. She only does this at home. When we are at other places, she is fine. She has also peed in my bed 3 times, over night. She goes 5 hours in her crate during the day without peeing and as I stated, when I take her other places, she will go about every two hours but at home she goes to the door sometimes every 10 minutes or so and she will urinate each time I let her out. If I don’t let her out and ignore her, she will urinate on the floor. Please help!!!
July 29, 2022
Hey, Nicole. That’s got to be frustrating!
I’m not sure there’s an easy solution here, but it doesn’t *sound* like there’s a medical issue at play, as she can go 5 hours between bathroom breaks without issue (which is pretty long for such a young pooch). Still, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to touch base with your vet just to make sure.
It may be that she’s just interested in going outdoors, so definitely make sure she’s adequately exercised/stimulated.
It also may just be typical puppy weirdness! It takes them quite a while to figure out the world and get the hang of potty training. So, it may just require a little more patience on your part.
If it helps, the fact that she’s asking to go outside is a fantastic sign for such a young little lady.
Assuming the problem doesn’t disappear over the next few weeks, your vet doesn’t find anything medically wrong, and extra stimulation/play doesn’t help, we’d recommend reaching out to a behaviorist.
Best of luck!
July 5, 2022
My almost 5 month old female Stabyhoun is struggling with catching on with pee potty training, we got her at 14 weeks. We took her to the vet 3 weeks ago, but he says she is medically fine. I feel like we have tried to do it right, we take her out at least every 30 minutes, she pees outside, but she does also pee in the house. Also, last week we were camping and she was outside most of the day, and I would see her squat and pee around the campsite about every 15 minutes, seems way too much. We were told to tether her to a person indoors, which she is, but sometimes she still squats and goes right next to the person she is tethered to, with no warning. Also, since she is tethered, she can’t go to the door to signal she has to pee, since she is only on a 6 ft leash, and we are not just staying near the door, so that is confusing for me, as I can’t tell if she is figuring it out at all. But I can’t imagine taking her off the tether, as who knows where she will pee? She does stay dry in her crate all night and is dry in the crate for naps about twice a day for 1-2 hours. Do I need to crate her more? My kids and hubby talked me into a puppy, and as suspected, I am doing the brunt of the exhaustive work of keeping a constant eye on her when she is out of the crate, so any advise would be appreciated.
July 6, 2022
Hey there, Sharon.
Peeing *that* much does sound odd, so it may not be the worst idea in the world to consult with another vet just to be sure.
But assuming it is not a medical issue, crate training does sound like the right way to go (and thank goodness she’s not peeing in the crate — that would make things much more difficult). She is still pretty young, so maybe she’s just taking a bit longer to learn the ropes than would be ideal. Crate training is generally pretty straightforward and effective, so I betcha that works.
Honestly, you may even want to reach out to a certified dog behavior consultant for an assessment and to make sure she’s not suffering from some type of mental or emotional challenge.
July 8, 2022
Thank you for your response. So I have been putting her in the crate much more, just letting her out to go to the bathroom and for some vigorous playtime, the lather rinse and repeat you have mentioned often. How do I know when she is learning? Since she doesn’t have time to really walk around the house and pee, I don’t know if she is catching on. What are the steps to having her out of the crate a bit more or how long should I to this?
May 25, 2022
We recently adopted an 11 week old australian shepherd / pyrenees mix puppy we named Sophie. She is an absolute doll and all puppy! She’s currently teething and biting on everything (including us). The problem however is that she is literally peeing every 15 minutes. I took her to the vet yesterday and they did a urinalysis test on her and they were a bit concerned about the fact that her urine was a bit more diluted that it should have been. I have to collect a urine sample first thing in the morning and take it in for further testing. In the meantime, do you have any suggestions about helping her with her house breaking? As soon as we let her outside she goes to the bathroom then comes inside drinks water and as soon as she is done within 10-15 minutes is going on the carpet before I can jump up to let her out. Help please!
May 25, 2022
Hey there, Lisa. That sounds pretty frustrating!
If she is really tinkling as often as it sounds like she is, then there may really be a medical issue at play. So, we’d definitely be interested in what your vet says after the follow-up testing.
In the meantime, you may want to just ration her water a bit. Obviously you don’t want to dehydrate the little gal, but you may want to adopt a bit of a watering schedule while waiting to hear from the vet. In other words, give her all the water she wants, and then take her outside immediately. Once she’s peed a few times, you can take her back inside (you may even want to crate her at this point). Then, an hour or so later, repeat the entire process.
Best of luck! Let us know what the vet says!
May 25, 2022
Thank you so much for the quick response! I will definitely let you know what the vet says! I will try rationing her water and doing more crate training. Thank you for the help!
May 27, 2022
Hello! We found out from our vet that Sophie has a UTI. She has a dose of antibiotics and that should clear it up. Also, in the meantime, we tried your suggestions and I’m SO happy to report she has not pottied in the house! Thank you so much for your help!
May 11, 2022
13 week old Golden Retriever puppy who pees randomly and everywhere. He will go all night in a crate without an accident. He goes outside and gets praised and will notify me when he needs to go outside if he is inside most of the time. Whenever he gets excited he pees and sometimes he is just walking around and peeing. His brother who is also 13 weeks doesn’t have this problem. They are on a very regular potty schedule as I’m home with them all day. I cannot figure out why sometimes he will just pee sometimes 3 times in a row out of nowhere.
May 11, 2022
Hey there, Katie.
Given your description (especially the bit about “just walking around and peeing,”) we’d recommend getting him checked out by your vet. This seems especially wise given that he seems to understand the concept of not peeing indoors.
Best of luck!
May 3, 2022
Hi Ben Team,
We have a five month old male lab. He has no problem going outside, however I don’t think he’s emptying his bladder as he pees inside constantly. I wait to praise him outside until he’s finished, as he’s EXTREMELY food/treat motivated. But I cannot encourage him to linger outside longer and make multiple urinations. He just wants to come back inside for his treat. He also drinks as obsessively as he eats. The vet says it’s all behavioral. Sometimes I think he’s so desperate to experience ingesting something that water is his go-to when food isn’t available. And of course all that water just runs right through him. I’m just not sure what else to do. I can take him outside every 20 minutes and he pees some…and it’s always the same story of peeing inside soon after. Also a new thing he’s been doing the last month in the house only is walking and peeing. I don’t think that’s related to anything medical as he only does it in the house and he stops when he’s caught doing it.
Oh, and he does hold it in his kennel and all night, or is good about waking us up to go out rather than mess in his crate.
I appreciate any advice you have.
-Laura….a seriously tired, 8-month-pregnant mom of two who thought we’d have this house breaking business down before the human baby arrived…..
May 4, 2022
Hey, Laura.
That sounds terribly frustrating, and most Labs should be capable of learning the house-training basics by 5 months (with proper training, etc.).
First of all, it is great that your vet has given him a clean bill of health (and his ability to hold it in the crate over night further reinforces this fact). Also, the fact that he’s so food-motivated may prove helpful.
We’d recommend doing/trying a few things:
1) Clean all of your floors with a carpet cleaner designed to eliminate dog urine odors. Lingering pee-scents may be triggering him to go.
2) Consider giving him his reward treats outdoors. This way, he won’t be in a rush to go back inside.
3) Use the crate more. You don’t want to just lock him inside for hours and hours on end, but while you’re working on this, you may need to put him in the crate for about 2 hours, then let him out for a pee break and some vigorous playtime before putting him back inside. Lather, rinse, and repeat, until he has broken the indoor peeing habit.
4) Consider reducing his water availability while working through this issue. Obviously, you don’t want to dehydrate him, but you may want to start giving him water in “punctuated” fashion, rather than simply making it available at all times. Maybe you give him some water, then take him outside, then put him in his crate, and repeat the entire process an hour or three later. Again, make sure he gets plenty of water, but don’t let him just gulp it down all day out of boredom. It’d also be wise to run this idea by your vet, just to make sure you’re still giving him enough.
If none of that works, it’d probably be wise to reach out to a dog behavior consultant for an assessment, given that this seems like a behavioral problem.
Best of luck, Laura! We’ve got our fingers crossed for you!
April 8, 2022
I have a beautiful 11 week Australian shepherd, who is smarter than a whip. But I can’t figure out how to teach her to tell me when she needs to go out. She can go all night without peeing in her kennel, but during the day she continuously takes a lap or two of her water every time she passes the water bowl, so she needs to pee every 20-30 minutes when she’s not in her kennel. If I’m not watching her like a hawk and taking her out continuously, she finds a quiet place out of my sight to relieve herself. She’s very smart and could learn to tell me she needs to go out, but how do I teach her that? Also, should I be limiting her water intake in any way so she’s not continuously stimulating her bladder by those quick laps of water every few minutes?
April 11, 2022
Hey there, Denise.
Let’s start with your last question: We wouldn’t recommend limiting her water intake without discussing it with your vet first. And unless he or she sees a very compelling reason to do so, it’s unlikely that this would be recommended or necessary.
As for the accidents, we’d share the following thoughts:
1) 11 weeks is still really young. Housetraining puppies can take quite a while, so you may just have to be patient. But, take comfort in knowing that medium to large breeds typically pick up the rules about poopin’ and peein’ more quickly than small breeds. So, just hang in there.
2) You may just need to keep her crated when you can’t monitor her until she learns the rules. Don’t go overboard here — you don’t want the poor little gal locked up all day or for hours at a time. But, you could wake up, take her out and play with her a little, let her eat, take her out again, and then put her in her crate. Two to three hours later (puppies can usually “hold it” for about one hour for each month of age), take her out, let her go outside, play with her a little more, and then put her back in the crate. Lather, rinse, and repeat.
3) She’s probably a bit young for this, but dog door bells (aka potty bells) can work wonders! They’re basically little doodads that your dog can ring to let you know it’s time to go outside!
Best of luck! Let us know how it goes!
March 7, 2022
I have a 3 month young chihuahua,male,ha ha.I take him out for lengthy periods of time and it’s like when I bring him in guess what?Yep,he pees.Any ideas?
March 8, 2022
Hey, Cathy.
That’s not a lot of information to go on. Have you visited the vet yet to ensure there isn’t a medical problem at play?
That’d be your first step.
March 8, 2022
Well vet says he’s healthy said it’s probably because he’s so small.I will let my patience kick in and maybe he will catch on.Thank you though
March 9, 2022
No problem, Cathy!
To be honest, I didn’t even catch your little guy’s age from your first post (sorry about that).
Many dogs will have accidents at 3 months of age — and this is especially true of small breeds like Chihuahuas. Unfortunately, small breeds tend to exhibit more house-training challenges than large breeds in general.
But just stick with your house training regimen and he’ll likely learn the rules about where to do his poopin’ and peein’.
Best of luck!
December 5, 2021
Help! I have a 6 month old cocker spaniel he is fine throught the night, about 10 hrs but isnt getting it in the day. We take him out approximately every hr and reward. But still we are finding up to 3 puddles a day. He had tests at the vets about a month ago and no evidence of a UTI – he did seem to improve but has got worse again. Could this behaviour link to worms or teething? Thank you
December 6, 2021
Hey, Helen. Sorry about the issues with your pooch!
Because he doesn’t have any problems all night, it does seem more likely that it’s a behavioral issue than a medical problem.
A couple of things:
1) Small breeds are often much more challenging to house train, so patience and persistence are imperative (I know cocker spaniels aren’t exactly tiny, but they qualify for the “small dog” label in this context).
2) No matter the cause of the problem, you’ll want to make sure that there are no lingering urine odors, which may trigger him to pee inside (you may need to use a carpet cleaner designed for urine to accomplish this).
3) Continue taking him out for frequent bathroom breaks and rewarding him for a job well done, but when you can’t supervise him, consider confining him to a doggie playpen — this will at least help stop him from building a stronger association with peeing in various places around the house.
Best of luck!
October 22, 2021
I have a 5 month old toy poodle. She is paper trained and had not had an accident in about 2 weeks. She is now sometimes peeing about 6 inches from the pad, usually in the evening. In the morning, she pees a small amount on the pad and about 1 minute later, leaves a huge puddle about a foot from it. I’ve tried confining her for longer in the morning but she just sits and looks at me. Any ideas are appreciated.
October 25, 2021
Hey there, Marta.
It’s tough to say exactly what’s going on with your pooch, but the part you mention about her peeing a small amount and then peeing a lot a minute later is slightly concerning. So, it’d probably be wise to reach out to your vet and talk things over first.
Assuming all is fine on the health front, you may want to simply try laying out larger (or more) pads. Perhaps she’s just having a little issue with her aim. You may also want to thoroughly clean the area with a pet-safe floor cleaner to ensure lingering odors aren’t complicating matters.
October 9, 2021
We have little 3 month old mini foxie, she is peeing frequently, should I be worried, she is due for her 3rd vaccination this week, so I will mention it to the vet.
October 11, 2021
Hey there, Gail.
Well, you definitely shouldn’t panic or anything, but it’s definitely worth discussing with your vet.
Let us know what he or she says!
August 7, 2021
Help! I have A 12 week old West Highland Terrier. She stays in the crate all night approximately 7 to 8 hours and holds her urine and her bowels. When she let out for the day she seems pees every 20 minutes. We go outside every hour and she’ll pee but I do not believe she empties her bladder completely. 5 minutes later, back in the house, she will pee We have spent $100s at the vet the past 2 weeks. She doesn’t have a urinary tract infection, diabetes insipidus, diabetes or bladder stones. Vet said all is normal. Per vet we limit her water intake and put her in a crate for an hour at a time to condition her bladder to hold her urine. It seems to work until she’s let out. We have her on a leash all the time. We keep an eye on her constantly. We keep every room closed off with baby gates. Here’s where we think we went wrong. Since we have baby gates up at every doorway, we used to have pee pads there too. Vet told us to take them up. These are the places she mainly pees when I turn my back for 2 seconds. What are we doing wrong? I will so appreciate Any thoughts or ideas that you have. Thanks for your time.
August 7, 2021
Hey there, Barbara. That sounds like quite a frustrating issue!
First, we applaud you for working with your vet to rule out medical causes of the pee-pee problem. That’s a critical first step, and you’ve already checked that off the list. And it sounds like the root of the problem is likely behavioral and/or related to lingering odors/habits. But also, understand that 12 weeks of age is still crazy young — especially for a small breed. Often, small breeds take a lot longer to learn the rules about peeing and pooping inside than their larger counterparts, so you’ll simply need to remain patient and consistent in your approach.
At any rate, it’d probably be wise to start over with housetraining. Remove all the pee pads and thoroughly clean the area to eliminate any remaining odors. Then, start keeping her in her crate whenever you can’t directly supervise her (or she’s outside, if it’s safe for her to be outdoors by herself). Don’t just lock her up in the crate for hours and hours on end — make sure she’s still getting plenty of interaction and exercise. But when you’re not walking, playing, or cuddling with her, she should be in the crate.
This should help break the cycle and instill good housetraining habits.
Just hang in there! Best of luck!
July 22, 2021
I have a 8 month old Jack Russell mix male puppy. He pees every hr it seems like. He wakes us up 3-4 times a night to be let out, sometimes we don’t hear him right away and he pees in his cage. Some nights he doesn’t peep at all and sleeps all night. Any ideas why some nights he’s up more than my baby?
July 22, 2021
The fact that he needs to go several times some nights but not others sounds kind of odd, Brittany.
Are there any differences in his daily routine you can think of that may be related? For example, are you taking him to the park or giving him lots of exercise (thus leading him to drink more water than usual upon returning) on the days he needs to go more often? Is there any difference in his diet on these days?
It’d probably be a good idea to run the details by your vet to make sure he’s not having a health problem, just to be safe. You may also want to consider the size of his crate — if it’s too big, he won’t be as reluctant to tinkle inside the crate. And lastly, remember that 8 months isn’t *that* old, and a lot of small breeds take longer to become completely housetrained than larger dogs, so it may just work itself out over time (with plenty of continued practice).
Best of luck!
July 15, 2021
My 18 week old German short haired pointer pees every ten minutes I usually can’t stop him before he does it. He was crate trained at eight weeks but if I let him into the room to play or train he pees so often it spoils our fun. I take him out as soon as he leaves the crate sonetimes we’ll take a mile walk. As soon as we get home he pees again
July 16, 2021
Hey, Ann.
For starters, it’d be a good idea to take your pooch in for a vet visit, just to make sure there’s not a medical issue going on. But assuming he’s healthy, you may just need to go back to square one with crate training. He’s still quite young, and some dogs simply take longer to learn the rules about peeing inside than others.
But also, it may be worth using a dog urine carpet cleaner. Lingering urine odors can often “trigger” dogs to pee again.
Best of luck!
June 27, 2021
I have a 4 month old yellow lab puppy who is urinating EVERYWHERE and CONSTANTLY. I take him out a lot but he will pee even when he comes in from a long walk. Sometimes I am literally cleaning a puddle of pee from the floor and by the time I have wrung out the rag he has peed again a few feet from the first puddle. He is literally destroying the floors. I have parkay flooring (wood) which has been urinated on so much in the past 6 weeks that is is beyond deodorizing. Seriously feeling discouraged. 🙁
June 28, 2021
Hey, Christina.
That obviously sounds frustrating, and we completely sympathize!
But if he’s really peeing as much as it sounds like, it makes us wonder if he’s suffering from a health problem.
Have you mentioned the peeing problem to your vet?
June 30, 2021
I’m having SAME issues with my 5 month old female Neapolitan Mastiff. I have also notice a clear, mucousy discharge, on occasion. Please let me know if you find any help.
June 21, 2021
I have a 4.5 month old blue heeler/blue nosed pit mix girl. She’s so good about going potty outside. She’s never pooped inside, but has had a few accidents inside. She tends to bark and nip hands when she needs to go out, but she can go out several times in a short period of time and pee every time! Sometimes a little bit, sometimes a lot. She doesn’t like to go unless someone is outside with her (backyard), and always looks at you while going potty. Always. Then runs right over for praise and pets, belly rubs and kisses, and a treat when she goes outside. Is it possible she’s going out frequently for the praise and treats or should I worry about her health? It is super hot here (115-120), and she drinks lots of water. She’s an indoor puppy with lots of people to play with and toys galore. Should I be watching for other things? Thank you so much!
June 21, 2021
Hey there, Lindsey.
Those are both possibilities, so it’d be wise to have your vet check her out and make sure she’s not suffering from a health problem.
Best of luck!
June 14, 2021
We have a 15 week old female Great Dane puppy who is struggling with her potty training. We got her at 7.5 weeks old and although she goes poop outside consistently, she doesn’t hesitate to urinate in her crate at night. We have finally figured out she lasts about 5-6 hours, so we get up early, potty her and then recrate her for a few hours. So that problem seems to be better, however during the day we take her out frequently, following playing, eating, napping and she will squat and pee on command. Sounds great, huh? The problem is she continues to come in and 10,15, maybe 30 minutes later pop a squat and urinate again. Also sometimes when she awakens from a nap or playtime and I take her for a potty break she barely makes it out the door and pees while she walks. It’s as if she has very poor bladder control sometimes, and or doesn’t empty her bladder fully. I have seen her p,playing with her pack mates and she will stop in the middle of play squat and then keep playing. She can do this 3 ti as in a 15 to 30 minute play time. I have housebroken many pups in my time, but never had such difficulty. She will be playing on the patio furniture and just squat and pee. During her waking time she is very indiscriminate on where she urinates. We have a doggy door screen so she has a access to outside and sometimes she uses it and sometimes she squats just outside it, but also just inside it. She has had a negative UA/CULT, and a normal ultrasound d. There was possible thickened bladder, but her bladder was not overly distended. I’m wondering what your thoughts are before I head back to the vet for bloodwork for diabetes and full urinary and renal workup. Aside from this issue she is a happy active sweet tempered pup who eats well and has no apparent GI issues.
June 15, 2021
Hey there, Sydney. That sounds really frustrating — not to mention perplexing.
It sounds like you guys are doing all the right things, and large breeds usually pick up house-training quicker than small breeds do.
Needing a pee break in the middle of the night isn’t that strange, as she is still young, and we wouldn’t worry about the occasional accident at this point. But the needing to pee several times while playing, sounds a bit strange. And this: “she barely makes it out the door and pees while she walks” sounds a lot like a medical issue.
Unfortunately, I think you are going to need to let your vet do some more digging.
We wish you the best of luck. Let us know what your vet finds!
June 12, 2021
My Blue heeler/ Border Collie 4 mos old pup pees every 30 min when free in the house but can hold her pee for hours in the crate. I will be calling the vet about a urine test but why would she pee so often when free in the house? I have a bell for training and she uses it some of the time. I always make her touch it when I take her out. I have potty trained about 10 dogs in my lifetime and have never had this frequent urination issue. Does she just not get it? I have her pooping schedule down but even with poop she just doesnt seem to understand that she needs to do it outside. She isnt trying to hide it when she pees in the house but will try to hide when she poops. She doesnt seem to know that it is wrong to go in the house. When I find an accident she shows no guilt. Any ideas on what might help?
June 14, 2021
Hey, Diane.
Quick thing: Dogs don’t show “guilt” — when they look “guilty” they’re behaving in a way that seeks to stop their people from being upset/yelling at them.
That aside (and assuming your vet gives her the all clear), it’d probably be helpful to start keeping her in the crate for longer periods of time while you work on getting her to understand the rules about peeing and pooping. We’re not suggesting that you lock her up for hours at a time, but maybe keep her in the crate for an hour, then take her directly outside, where she’ll likely poop and pee. Praise her heavily, and then let her run around a little inside. About 15 minutes later or so, put her back in the crate. Lather, rinse, and repeat.
Just establish the pattern that she comes out of the crate, relieves herself, and then gets to play.
Also, you may want to consider giving your floors/carpets a thorough cleaning to make sure that lingering odors aren’t complicating your efforts.
Best of luck!
May 30, 2021
i jave a labrador puppy. he is just 1 month old and has got roundworms. we are really scared for him can you please help telling if its dangerous. we do have consulted the vet though but still not sure.
thank you
June 1, 2021
Hey there, Cindy.
First of all, check out our article about worms in dogs — it’ll answer a lot of your questions.
But roundworms are really common. You definitely need to get rid of them to keep your pooch healthy, but that’s usually not hard with your vet’s help.
Best of luck!
April 23, 2021
Puppy bear can go outside and come right back in and pee or poop a few mins later even though he does outside too. Plz help
April 26, 2021
Hey there, Heather.
We’d recommend you start by trying some of the tips discussed in the article.
Best of luck!
April 17, 2021
My pup is 3 1/2 months and pees often he goes outside but we also have a potty pad next to front door and he goes there when he needs to also but seems he goes alot . Are we confusing him with potty pad
April 19, 2021
Hey there, Linda.
I don’t know that you’re “confusing” him — you’ve given him two places to go, so he’s taking advantage.
But, if he seems to be getting the idea about tinkling outside, you can probably go ahead and start eliminating the pee pads.
Best of luck!
April 13, 2021
My labrador puppy are able to poop at the same spot everyday however for peeing she still pee everywhere she likes. And she pee right away after squating down. I can just turn my back for 1 second and there is already pee on the floor. Is this normal behavior? She is only 2 and a half month old.
Would appreciate some advice on how to potty train my puppy. Especially peeing. I tried to use pee pads however she would chew on it. I tried to tape them down on the floor, she scratch the pad and eat the cotton. Not sure what i should do or can do to reduce the amount of accidents in the house.
Thank you
April 13, 2021
Hey there, Sin.
Two-and-a-half months old is still pretty young, and many dogs will still have accidents at that point in time (especially small breeds).
Check out our guide to house training puppies to learn a few tips that may help.
Best of luck!
March 29, 2021
My 8 month old pomeranian had a x ray. They found water in hus lungs, he was treated with fluticasone for 4 days. But at the 5th day he started peeing a lot! The 6th day he is peeing too much. Called the vet but she only asked me if it was too smelly and recommended pedialyte. He will have an echograohy next week. What can i do?
March 30, 2021
Hey, Ali.
We’d just recommend following your vet’s advice. Polyuria (excessive urine production) is a known side effect of the medication. But, if it continues for several days, it’d probably be wise to check with your vet again.
Best of luck!
February 27, 2021
I have a 4 month old Pomsky that is proving very difficult to potty train. We use a doorbell, which she uses sometimes, she can hold her pee all night long (8 hours sometimes), and she is negative for a UTI but often during the day she will pee every 5-10 minutes and will have lots of accidents because of it. Is this normal? What else can I do?
March 1, 2021
Hey, Cherise.
That sounds frustrating! Glad your pooch doesn’t seem to have any medical issues, but that doesn’t help protect your floors!
First, note that many small breeds can be challenging to housebreak, so you will have to remain patient.
Secondly, check out our article about dogs who pee and poop inside for some additional tips.
Best of luck!
February 1, 2021
Have 11 week old shih tzu pup. She is small due to being the runt of the litter. Toilet training is difficult. She constantly has accidents during the day. She has training pads which she uses but more often than not will wee on the carpet and floors. This is happening dozens of times in the day. At night she is not so bad
February 1, 2021
Hey Karen – that’s very normal considering she is just a baby and a small breed as it is! Take her out as often as you can, ideally every 30 minutes, and reward lavishly with praise and treats when she goes outside. When inside, you can let her spend most of her time in a puppy-safe area that’s easy to clean up (like a kitchen or bathroom). You can also use an x-pen with potty pads to keep her in a controlled area. She’ll absolutely have accidents though, that’s bound to happen. Check out our guide to puppy potty training for more info!
December 4, 2020
We have trained many puppies with ease. This 12 week shihtzu has accidents during the day, the middle of the night, the evening. He is out constantly, praised & treated with each outing & is aware that he has been a good boy as soon as he pees or poops. He is crated often & yet when he’s free we find pee spots & poops every day. In the middle of the night despite being out before bed, sometimes in the middle of the night, he pees on the bed ( he sleeps in bed with us we like that) I did not want to pee pad train him. I’ve never had to do that with a dog. BUT THIS IS FRUSTRATING. HELP!!!!!
December 4, 2020
Hey, Barbara. Have you visited the vet yet to make sure your pooch isn’t suffering from a health problem?
Based on your description, it sounds like he is going quite a bit.
We’d recommend starting there. Best of luck!
December 2, 2020
I have 2 Stafford Terriers brother and sister. My daughter got me the pups hoping they would help me with my mental problems from serving in the military during the Gulf War. They’re going on 5 months and I walk them consistently with their water intake as well as their meals. However my boy has been urinating inside the house. I tell him bad dog immediately take him out to our yard. It’s so bad it’s driving a wedge thru my household. Our vet said neither of them have any sickness that would cause this but offered the advice that we should be more firm with our training. Accidents don’t happen that frequently. I felt it was territorial from the first time he did it. My nervous doctor told me from the beginning when they were about 8 weeks that he didn’t think it was a good idea for me because of my mental problems having just getting my meds right. Anyway they have helped me to go outside something that use to cause me great anxiety. I have not had any suicidal thoughts in over a year but with the dog potty problems having the effect on my family and the constant cleaning, so much so that we have to replace my wife’s carpet and replace our flooring. I don’t know what else to do.
December 2, 2020
Hey, Micah.
1) Thank you for your service.
2) We’re so sorry for the troubles with your pooches and understand how frustrating these kinds of problems can be.
3) We’re going to try to help you out. I’ll be sending you an email soon. If you don’t get it, drop me a line: Ben(at)K9ofMine.com.
Just hang in there.
July 28, 2020
Help! My 15 week old Morkie can sleep in her crate overnight 11pm-6:30 am and not pee. But when not in her crate she pees on my kitchen floor every 15 min 2-3x right after peeing outside!!
March 9, 2020
I have a 4.5 month old pomeranian puppy who I am having real trouble with. He does not have accidents inside often now as he asks to go outside to pee… But he is peeing e wry 10 to 20 minutes. If you don’t let him out when he asks he will pee on the floor and if you put him in his crate he will pee in his crate. He has been checked for a UTI and he does not have one. I don’t know what to do!
March 9, 2020
Hey, Maggie. That certainly sounds frustrating.
Urinary tract infections aren’t the only medical problem that can cause dogs to pee frequently, so it’d probably be a good idea to ask your vet to investigate further.
If your dog gets a clean bill of health, then it would probably be a good idea to consult with a canine behaviorist to try to figure out the root of the problem and determine a solution.
Let us know how it goes!
February 25, 2021
I am having the same issue with my 4.5 month old female Pomeranian. The vet ran every test (urine, blood work, etc.), took x-rays, ultra sound, everything with no answer. She cannot go more than an hour or so without peeing and often will pee twice outside and then have to go again 20 minutes later. She also knows she is supposed to let me know to take her out but since she goes so often she will still have accidents, often right by the door. I have a trainer working with us but she has no guidance that has been useful. She also will pee in the crate so I cannot leave her in there for long. At night I keep her in the laundry room with puppy pads. I don’t want to have to keep her locked up all of the time but I am at a loss. Also, her urine is very clear and really looks like water. I have tried limiting her water intake as well and have seen no difference in her frequency.
February 26, 2021
That sounds terribly frustrating, Tricia.
Just wanted to mention two things:
1) It may be worth making an appointment with another vet, so you can get a second opinion. Even the very best vets occasionally miss things, and (to my non-vet mind) this really sounds like there is a health issue here.
2) Similarly, it may also be worth talking to another trainer. Trainers are all individuals, who will fare better or worse at treating some cases than others. For that matter, it may be more helpful to turn to a canine behaviorist, rather than a trainer.
We wish you the very best of luck! Hang in there!
January 8, 2020
I have a 3 month old lab.who is peeing everywhere . I literally have them out for about 8/hrs a day,I sit with them praise them when they pee outside and they come in and pee again 5 mins later.. will not go on a pad yet they are ok for 8 hrs at night. He is on meds for parasites
December 9, 2019
I have a 4 month old Staffordshire Terrier(Pitbull) who will be turning 5 months here soon. I am training her to go potty outside, she does really good holding in her bowels but she can’t hold in her urine. She pees every 10 to 20 min and in the house. I will take her outside to use the bathroom, she pees and poops but as soon as I bring her back in, she will play then 10 min later pee on the carpet. How do I get her before she pees?
November 20, 2019
We have a 4 month old Great Pyrenees mix puppy and he has to go out every 40 minutes. I don’t understand why he needs to go so often and how to increase the frequency between potty breaks.
November 21, 2019
Hey, Danielle. That sounds a bit excessive. It’d probably be a good idea to take your pooch to the vet and ensure he doesn’t have a bladder infection.
Best of luck!
October 14, 2019
This is great advice. I haven’t had a puppy in 10 years and I don’t remember mine peeing this much. My pup is also a rottie (female) who is 8 weeks old. She and her litter mates were left in their pen to roll around in their urine so I’m hoping that is not the reason why she pees everywhere all the time. Now that I’ve adopted her (she’s a rescue) I hope I can get her trained. I’m guessing she’s just still very young and needs some structure.
October 2, 2019
My pup, 2mnths old pees almost every 15minutes and He’s healthy, pls advice Me.
September 18, 2019
my pup is a 6 month lab..how to
get her to bark or tell us she has to go out
September 17, 2019
My 5 month old HAVANESE female puppy has started to pee every 15 minutes-1/2 hr during the day in the house. Also goes outside. At night she can hold it for 6-7 hours or on a confined area ( couch, car, chair). Not sure what her problem can be. Does not consume a lot of water. Her small bowl is never empty.
November 20, 2019
Same with our puppy!!
September 8, 2019
Hello. My puppy is 6 weeks now. She doesn’t poop inside her crate but she peeps a lot either Inside or outside. There is no blood in her urine. I don’t know what wrong with her.
September 10, 2019
Hey Maria – 6 weeks is incredibly young! You can’t expect too much of your little girl at that stage. As a general rule, a puppy that young needs to relieve herself every 30-45 minutes. So it’s basically a full time job! Most trainers don’t recommend worrying about house training until 12-16 weeks, as your puppy is just too little right now to have much control of her bladder. You can also check out our house training guide for more tips!
August 7, 2019
I feel like my Great Pyrenees who is four months goes pee more than normal…. for instance this morning she winked at the door 4 times within 2-1/2 hours and went number 1 and 2 all 4 times. Is that normal? Then to top it off i was playing with her literally 15 minutes after the fourth time and she squatted right in front of me and peed on my floor…. but all the other times before this incident she gave me a heads up first by whining at the door? Which she is usually really good at telling me she needs to go. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you
August 7, 2019
Hey, Will. That definitely sounds like a lot. I’d give your vet a call, just to be on the safe side.
Best of luck!
April 28, 2019
Our 3 month Catahoula puppy pees outside and lets us know with a cry at the door. He is on third time for a U.T. problem , But he will pee/ discharge a clear fluid that does not smell or look like pee.in the house after being outside . Sometimes its pee. Yellow in color. Are there any other medical problems that we should look for. Thanks for the HELP !!!!!!!! ALEXA
April 29, 2019
Hey, Alexa. I’d definitely have your vet look into that — an odorless, clear liquid sounds pretty bizarre.
Let us know what your vet says!
March 26, 2020
Alexa, my puppy dies the same thing! After relieving himself outside he will pee several times inside but sometimes it looks like just water spilled on the floor except there’s no water source so the only thing I can deduce is that it’s the puppy peeing. Upon cleaning up the mess, it is also odorless and clear—it doesn’t smell like pee which leaves me baffled still thinking it might be water but from where? There is no water source nearby. So confused…
April 7, 2019
I have 2 approx 5 month old Catahoula-Mastiff puppies that pee CONSTANTLY. I feel like my days are spent either entirely outside with them or cleaning my rugs/towels inside. I watch them empty their bladders outside, give them a treat reward, stay outside just a while longer to be sure, then 5 min later they are taking another pee inside. They very well crate trained which is fortunate, however the situation has been incredibly frustrating. This blog and all of the comments I’ve read have been immensely helpful!! Thank you!! I’ve started a “pee chart” so the whole family can help keep track of exactly how many times they pee per day and whether it was inside or outside. Forgot to mention that we are all very diligent about the daily schedule. Anyway, my next step is the vet- I never would have considered a medical issue if it wasn’t for your helpful blog. Fingers crossed! And good luck to everyone else with the same issue.
January 15, 2020
Hi, could you possibly update on whether this improved with time? We are in the same boat you were with our 4 month old BMD/Poodle mix except she also pees even when in her crate despite frequent (30 mins to an hour) walks. Vet says no UTI.
May 6, 2020
Hey Chelsea,
Did you ever find a solution? We have a 9 month old Sheepadoodle who is experiencing the same. We are starting to lose our minds.
April 7, 2019
I have 2 approx 5 month old Catahoula-Mastiff puppies that pee CONSTANTLY. I feel like my days are spent either entirely outside with them or cleaning my rugs/towels inside. I watch them empty their bladders outside, give them a treat reward, stay outside just a while longer to be sure, then 5 min later they are taking another pee inside. They very well crate trained which is fortunate, however the situation has been incredibly frustrating. This blog and all of the comments I’ve read have been immensely helpful!! Thank you!! I’ve started a “pee chart” so the whole family can help keep track of exactly how many times they pee per day and whether it was inside or outside. Forgot to mention that we are all very diligent about the daily schedule. Anyway, my next step is the vet- I never would have considered a medical issue if it wasn’t for your helpful blog. Fingers crossed! And good luck to everyone else with the same issue.
March 29, 2019
Hi. Our 14 week old border terrier x Pattidale has been good since we had him last Sat, weeing & pooping outside & the odd accident inside. But tonight he’s been hyper & weed in house 5-7 times. On pads in same spot. I have left him today in crate today for few hours as I needed go out..is this why or is it normal. Not massive wees, just lots of them.
March 23, 2019
Thank you so much. This was very informative info. I have a new Westie pup (Female ) who just won’t get it! Hopefully I can get her on a good schedule now.
March 23, 2019
Happy to help, Pat! Best of luck with your Westie!
March 5, 2020
We have a 3 month old Westie and I swear we can let her out for an hour to pee, and as soon as she comes in the house she pees over and over. Drives me crazy!
November 10, 2018
We believe we have been structured with our pup since bringing her home. The first week we took her out at night five times a night to pee and that is after shutting down her food and water 2 hours prior to bed. The second week seemed to get better and she only required three trips a night and we were feeling pretty good and less tired. The morning of the third week was when we began to expeperince more accidents in the house and more frequency outside as well. On our walk today she peed between 7 and 8 times on our walk around the block. Toward the end of week 2 she also peed in her kennel and carrier a first as she loves her kennel and feels safe there. Not sure what is going on but it is frustrating for both my wife and me and our beautiful brown faced GSP.
We have an appointment next Tuesday with her vet and will hopefully know if there is medical problem or whether we need to change some things in the way we are handling our young female pup.
November 10, 2018
Hey, Patrick. Sorry about your troubles.
That is a lot of peeing, and it sounds like you guys are doing everything right from a dog-management perspective.
GSPs aren’t one of the breeds who are normally difficult to house train. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that she has a bladder infection — fortunately, that’s usually pretty easy to fix in most cases.
Make sure you look to see if there’s any blood in her urine, and note whether it looks like she’s having any difficulty or pain, so you can give your vet the most complete picture possible.
Let us know what the vet says, and good luck! (Incidentally, I love GSPs — great dogs).
August 19, 2019
I know you posted this so long ago, but I currently have a 3 month old female GSD – and we are experiencing similar issues to what you described. We already had her put on antibiotics to eliminate a UTI – but today my husband got home from work and when he opened the door she peed all in her crate pan and rolled around in it. We had let her out maybe 3 hours prior and she didn’t even have water during that time. The amount of pee is one thing that is crazy, but also that she went so freely in her crate.
We are just getting frustrated, so I am curious what ended up happening with your pup?
January 15, 2020
Hi, same situation here as you described with your pup. What was the outcome for you? Was there anything medically going on?
September 4, 2018
I have a 4 month old boxer puppy and I’ve followed all the advice I’ve read but this puppy insists on peeing and pooping in the house. He pees about every 30-45 minutes and frequently does it again after he’s been taken outside and rewarded for peeing there as well as pooping. We have about given up on how to housebreak this puppy. Help.
August 8, 2018
I have a 13 week old puppy who can pee and then pee 5 min right after again he will go outside and pee then come in and 5-10 min after pee again but in the house and im not sure why
June 29, 2018
I recently adopted 2 puppies 12 weeks old. He was really good when I got them and she was peeing everywhere . I literally have them out for about 8/hrs a day,I sit with them praise them when they pee outside and they come in and pee again 5 mins later.. sometimes on the wee wee pad many times not.they run to the gate every 10 mins and I let them out and pee.yet they are ok for 8 hrs at night. They are both on meds for parasites
January 15, 2020
This is our puppy exactly! Probably long shot you will see this to respond, but I would love to know what the outcome was – was there a medical problem or just needed time to adjust and grow into their bladder? Our puppy can be outside playing and will squat to pee back to back to back and will come inside after an hour and a half of playtime outside and pee within 5 minutes of being in her crate. We are cleaning up countless accidents a day and even having a hard time keeping up on the potty log recommended because she goes literally so often. She was treated for a UTI just on a basis of suspicion (no urine test) with no improvement but subsequent urine showed no infection. The vet says it’s behavioral. She also goes all nite without an accident.
February 7, 2020
Hi Chelsea,
We are dealing with the exact same scenario. Although we haven’t been to the vet yet (first appointment tomorrow) our almost 4 month old German shorthaired pointer will pee 4-5 times outside, be outside for up to an hour and then within 5 minutes in the house pee multiple times. She has not once poo’d inside the house and for the first 3 nights has had zero accidents in her crate at night. This is our second puppy and our first didn’t nearly pee this many times so we are starting to feel the stress from this crazy frequency. Just wanted to reach out since you recently commented and say we are in the same boat and feel your same pain. Hopefully we get somewhat of a possible answer from the vet tomorrow.
June 21, 2018
My puppy pees once every minute and I’m not joking. She has a uti but it’s been 4 1/2 days of antibiotics and not slowing down. Please help I’m losing my mind.
March 30, 2018
Dogs can also have a relatively harmless parasite called Capillaria (a type of worm) in the bladder, which can be difficult to detect and sometimes requires a few tries to wipe it out. Learned from experience.
March 5, 2019
How is this detected? I have a 4-month-old puppy that I’m convinced has something medically wrong. A UTI wouldn’t last for months. Maybe Capillaria wouldn’t either.
June 2, 2020
I have a 6 month old mini Australian sheperd that I’ve been trying to crate training for awhile now. We are on a strict schedule of times in which he can go out and then have hour spurts throughout the day of free time in the apartment supervised, however he still continues to pee on the carpet after going outside- it’s extremely strange. He’s so smart, however is just not getting this potty training thing down! I’m bringing him in tomorrow to see if he has a possible UTI- but I’m wondering if I’m missing something here. I’m at my wits end so any type of help is appreciated!
July 11, 2020
Same here, have mini Australian shepherd now 6 months old, for the first 2-3 months we had her did awesome with wee wee pads, last 2 months will not go on pads and constantly goes in house, even though I walk her every 2 hours. I could just walk her and 1/2 hour later pees in the house. I have had it.