Every pup has a unique voice, but some breeds are more willing to share it with the world than others.
Vocal dogs are music to the ears of some pup parents, but others may find a cacophony of canine sounds too much.
And this can lead to serious issues!
I know firsthand, as I volunteer with a number of dog shelters. There tend to be certain breeds that linger in shelters due to their… excessive chattiness.
We’ve put together a list of some of the most vocal dog breeds below. No matter whether you want to bring home a singing sweetheart or avoid a baying boy, this list should help!
We want to stress that any dog – even members of normally “quiet” breeds – can be vocal. And on the flip side, some of the breeds listed below certainly have quiet members out there that don’t fit the norm.
The point is, doing breed research is only half of the work when rearing a dog – the other half is training your individual floof not to bark so much that it drives the neighbors bonkers.
The 17 Most Vocal & Talkative Dog Breeds

Check out these boisterous barkers, ranging from singing sniffers to howling hounds. See which (if any) mesh with your family’s mutt must-haves.
1. Siberian Husky
This northern beauty is well-known (and loved by many) for her array of vocalizations, from barking to howling to “talking.” With such a chatterbox personality, she’s not recommended for apartment life.
She also has a knack for mischief, so invest in a good crate for containing her chaos when you’re not around.
Huskies are not a good choice for newbie owners, as they’re demanding physically and mentally, requiring daily exercise that puts their fluffy bodies and brains to work. However, they do make terrific hiking and jogging companions, and with a long history as sled dogs, they’re wonderful at urban mushing and similar canine sports.
Beloved for her Snoopy-like looks and cheery nature, the beagle has a lot to say about the world around her with bountiful bays.
This outspoken nature makes her a less-than-ideal choice for apartment living, but she’s right at home in families with kiddos and other pets (we just hope that home is way out in the country).
Beagles are active four-footers who need daily exercise. Her nose leads her all around, so don’t trust her off-lead outside the yard. To get in her steps (and sniffs!), implement sniffari walks in your routine and listen to her happy barks along the way.
3. Basset Hound
Miss Basset is a lady of Ls: Long, Low, and Loud. She’s a fan of announcing herself and her opinions with reverberating vocalizations that can be heard far and wide.
For that reason, apartment dwellers will want to think twice before adding one to the fam, as bassets and basset hound mixes can be quite loud!
As with other hounds, the Basset is highly independent and can be hard to train. She must be leashed when she’s outside of fenced areas and may opt to ignore commands if she’s not in the mood for training.
That said, she’s one of the calmest dog breeds and makes a fabulous companion for couch potatoes.
4. Bloodhound
This droopy girl is known for her super schnoz, but her deep voice is just as impressive. She loves giving out an epic bay while pursuing a scent or whenever she’s alone, excited, or bored.
In fact, she doesn’t need an excuse to voice her opinion on anything and everything.
The bloodhound is a large, powerful dog who may appear lazy, but she needs frequent physical and mental exercise, along with plenty of time to put her incredible nose to work. Sniffing activities are a must for her, along with a leash whenever she’s not in an enclosed area, as she’ll follow a scent wherever it takes her… even if it’s miles from home.
5. Dachshund
Germany’s badger-hunting beauties (“dachshund” literally means “badger dog” in German) are quite chatty, happily yapping about anything and everything.
While this is great for carrying on conversation, it can be bothersome to neighbors or disruptive if you work from home, as this lowrider thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood watch.
She’ll alert you to every passing squirrel, mailperson, or tumbling leaf.
Dachshunds and Dachshund mixes aren’t insane athletes, so they’re a good choice if you’re looking for a dog who only requires two walks a day and some indoor play. Her long back is prone to injury, however, so skip the roughhousing and stick to couch cuddles.
6. German Shepherd Dog
As loyal as she is loud, this courageous cutie is famous for her expressive vocalizations. She’s a barker, wooer, howler, and more, often bouncing from foot to foot with her canine comments.
Since she’s a watchdog at heart, she may have a particular issue with barking at people, and she’ll alert you to any suspicious sights and sounds of the neighborhood.
German shepherds are wonderful family dogs and workers, but as one of the smartest dog breeds, they need a job to prevent mischief. This breed is ideal for sport and work, with many serving in police, military, and guide dog roles. She’s also a good pick for farm work, as herding is where she got her start.
7. American Foxhound
This leggy lady was bred to hunt in packs where she’d bark up a storm while giving chase with her fur friends. Today, she’s happy to howl along with radios, sirens, and TVs, so keep that in mind if you live in an apartment. It might upset the neighbors.
The foxhound isn’t a good pick for urban life, but if you have acreage, she’s your girl. Out there, she can really sing the song of her people. Just keep her leashed to prevent her from running off, however, as she’ll follow her nose after scents.
8. Miniature Pinscher
Also known as the minpin, this pint-sized pup has a propensity for barking that’s much bigger than her stature. She takes her watchdog role super seriously and will patrol and alert to any perceived threat.
For this reason, you must curb excessive barking early to avoid long-term issues.
The minpin makes a wonderful lapdog and an excellent travel companion and adventure buddy, as she’s more rough-and-tumble than most small breeds. Daily exercise is required to keep her content, though a backyard romp with a ball or spirited walk can meet her needs.
9. Pomeranian
Fluent in fluff and fierceness, the Pom is a big-time talker in a tiny body. Her outgoing nature can tread into yapping, so stop nuisance barking as soon as it starts to prevent a bad habit from forming. But with proper training, she can adapt well to apartment life.
Poms are big dogs in little packages, but this makes them one of the best choices for those seeking a lapdog with sass. She’s a brave little lady, too, making her an ideal companion for outdoor adventures.
That said, you might want to clip her coat short before heading into messy conditions.
10. Chihuahua
The Chihuahua’s bark far exceeds her size. This makes her a favorite travel buddy for truckers, as she’s a fabulous watchdog with tenacity. Unfortunately, this willingness to bark has given her a reputation for yapping since not every pup parent works on manners.
Chihuahuas are delicate and not recommended for families with children, but they’re phenomenal in households with teenagers.
As one of the most affectionate dog breeds, the Chihuahua is a natural lapdog. Her feisty nature makes her an extra entertaining companion too.
11. Black and Tan Coonhound
Her booming bay can be heard from afar, making her one of the loudest canines on our list. She’s also quick to wield her beautiful baritone when she’s excited, so she won’t make the best neighbor in urban settings. If you’re rural, she’s your girl, with a zest for exploring on long leads through nearly any terrain.
While she’s noisy, she’s also laidback and sweet, making her one of the best hounds for family life. She gets along great with kiddos and other dogs alike.
Stubbornness runs through her veins, though, so we wouldn’t recommend her for newbie dog parents.
12. Yorkshire Terrier
This adorable terrier has pipes that are much larger than her size. She’s a big-time barker, particularly if she perceives a threat. This can lead to yapping behavior, so work on curbing unnecessary noisiness early on.
So long as she learns to be calm and confident, she’s an ideal apartment dog, as she’s an easy keeper, who doesn’t need much space.
While the Yorkie is small, she requires a great deal of grooming. Clipping her short can make daily maintenance much easier. She also needs daily exercise, though indoor play and a few quick walks will do the trick just fine.
13. Miniature Schnauzer
Smart, sassy, and sweet, this bearded lady is also a tad talkative. She has natural watchdog instincts and isn’t afraid to announce the arrival of unfamiliar faces. At the same time, she’s wonderfully playful and a good choice for families with kids.
She isn’t recommended for households with small pets, however, as she’ll chase them down with gusto.
The schnauzer’s coat requires regular professional grooming, so don’t bring one home if you aren’t ready to shell out doggy dollars every six to eight weeks. They also have serious health concerns to watch out for, making selecting the right breeder crucial in getting a happy, healthy pup for years to come.
14. Redbone Coonhound
Though sometimes considered a little mellow by hound dog standards, the redbone coonhound is all business when doing what he was bred to do: tracking down and treeing game.
And we’re not talking about small game, either. While these four-footers were often used in pursuit of raccoons, they were more commonly used by hunters pursuing larger prey — think deer, boar, and cougar!
Developed in the southern United States, these sharp-nosed cuties are thought to have descended from foxhounds. And just like their multi-colored ancestors, these red-colored rovers have a set of lungs on ’em and won’t hesitate to fill the neighborhood with the sounds of their bays and howls.
15. Alaskan Malamute
This mighty musher is a famous talker in the dog world and never one to skip the chance to howl along with music or grumble out her displeasure. Her talkative nature and personality have earned her quite the following, as she’s loyal, playful, and hardworking.
Unfortunately, things can get hairy, as malamutes are insane shedders. No, seriously. This breed loses boatloads of hair that transform your house into a hairpocalypse twice yearly. These massive shedding events require constant brushing and vacuuming. Clearly, she’s not a good pick for those not keen on cleaning.
16. Australian Shepherd
Bursts of barks keep livestock moving, so it’s not surprising that the herd-tastic shepherd is one of the most vocal dog breeds.
This quick-footed fur friend can get extra loud when she’s excited, though training can prevent her from becoming a noise ordinance violator. She’s also smart as a whip, so it shouldn’t take long for her to catch on.
Aussies are fantastic family dogs, getting along well with children and other dogs alike. However, she has powerful herding instincts, which can lead to her corralling kids around the yard if not discouraged early in life. She also has some serious exercise needs, making her best suited for an active family.
17. French Bulldog
This monstrously cute meatball is surprisingly loud, emitting all sorts of sounds from snuffles to shrieks to epic renditions of the bulldog classic, “Rawg-Rawg-Rawg.” She’s one of the most sociable sweethearts on our list and also the most clownish with her habit of tumbling around and tooting.
Despite her chatty ways, the Frenchie is one of the best dogs for city life. Her relatively low exercise needs mesh well with cramped living, though her health issues require a hefty savings account and some top-notch pet insurance.
Why Do Some Dogs Bark More Than Others?
There are a few different reasons why certain breeds or individual dogs might be more barky than others. The main reasons include:
- Bred to Communicate With Humans. Many dog breeds with a history of herding, hunting, or other work-specific tasks tend to be particularly vocal. Vocalizations were encouraged so that these dogs could better communicate with their human handlers.
- Anxious or Nervous Tendencies. Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons why certain dogs bark a lot is due in large part to anxiety. Dogs who are especially nervous can often be triggered by noises and movement outside. Luckily, there are things you can do to relax and desensitize dogs who seemingly bark at everything and anything.
Different Kinds of Canine Sounds: What Sounds Do Dogs Make?
Canines create quite a few different sounds with unique meanings. Knowing what different dog barks mean can help you work out what’s happening in your four-footer’s noggin.
The most common canine sounds are:
- Bark: Barking is the form of canine communication most people think of first, and it can have loads of meaning. The easiest way to determine which bark means what is to pay attention to your dog’s body language. Is she stiff or exhibiting raised haunches while barking? If so, she’s probably mad or frightened. If she’s bouncing happily and wagging her tail, she’s most likely happy.
- Bay: Hounds bay rather than bark. Consisting of a loud “BAR” sound, this sound can be jarring and heard from far away, which is why hounds tend to do best in rural settings.
- Howl: Howling is one of the eerier canine vocalizations, but this wolf-like woo usually is just your dog saying, “Hey, I’m here.” Dogs often howl along to music, joining in the fun of the moment. Other dogs howl when lonely.
- Whine: Much like humans, whining in dogs generally means unhappiness or frustration. A whining dog is often crated or participating in an activity she doesn’t enjoy, such as bathing. It can also mean your pupper needs a potty break pronto.
- Scream: Some breeds scream or shriek when excited or stressed. This is commonly seen in Shiba Inus and pugs, particularly when the latter is getting nail trims. The sound is hard on the ears, but it’s simply your dog’s way of voicing her unhappiness (and sometimes her overwhelming glee!)
- Yodel: The basenji don’t bark in long streaks like other dogs, but they can yodel in a long swirl of high-pitching singing to voice happiness, stress, and more. Some people find the sound amusing, while others find it a little creepy.
- Grumble: Grumbles and rumbles are common in the canine world. Sometimes described as groaning, these are often let out while a dog is nosing at a bed or receiving scratches in her favorite spot.
- Growl: Growling is an obvious sign a dog isn’t happy. A growling dog is trying to say “back off” to something, whether it’s a stray squirrel in the yard or a sound she doesn’t recognize. Give a growling dog plenty of room to decompress.
- Sigh: As with humans, dogs can emit a sigh with a deep breath. It isn’t loaded with attitude like a teenager, thankfully. Instead, it usually means your dog is settling in and getting comfortable.
Some dogs combine sounds, particularly mixed-breed hounds who may get “stuck” while baying. The result is often a tad comical.
The Pros & Cons of Vocal Dog Breeds

Having a bold barker can be lots of fun for some people, but it can also be a real pain to others. Let’s run through the ups and downs of owning these singing sniffers together.
Pros: The Good Stuff About Vocal Dog Breeds
Living with a loudmouth mutt can be fun and even helpful, depending on your lifestyle and needs.
The perks of having a vocal dog include:
- Entertainment: Talkative pooches are just plain amusing to have around. Who doesn’t like surprise canine karaoke on a Tuesday afternoon?
- Watchdog abilities: Dogs are a huge deterrent for burglars, but a loud pup is an intruder’s worst nightmare. A vocal canine won’t hesitate to sound the alarm, sending those who don’t belong on your property scrambling.
- Hunting: The incredibly loud bays of hounds alert hunters as they chase prey up into trees. The dogs also bay when they detect a scent. If you’re an avid hunter, one of these vocal companions might be a match made in mutt heaven.
- Social media stardom: While you shouldn’t get a dog to seek social media fame, having a canine crooner can earn you a lot of likes on TikTok and YouTube. Before you know it, your dog might end up being Instagram famous! Just make sure you’re not annoying your dog simply in order to get a response.
Cons: The Not-So-Good Stuff About Vocal Dog Breeds
While many of us love having a talkative terrier around, they’re not ideal for everyone.
The biggest drawbacks of having a vocal dog breed include:
- Upset neighbors: No one wants to live next to a dog that barks all day, including the most devoted dog lovers. Controlling your canine’s urge to carry on can be a challenge, especially if you work long hours. Most of these breeds aren’t fit for urban (and sometimes suburban) life.
- Disturbed sleep: A loud dog can lead to lost sleep. This is a major problem with barkers who yip at every noise, regardless of the time of day. Those with babies and toddlers may see the serenity of naptime shattered too.
- Interrupted work: Working from home isn’t always an option with a vocal dog around. Sometimes your fur kid’s chatty ways can disrupt work calls and make it impossible to concentrate.
- Frightened fur friends: Loud noises can be super stressful to other pets. Cats, in particular, may run and hide, while older dogs can get cranky with all the craziness of a loud roommutt.
Do you have any of these chatty canines at home? Another we didn’t list? Tell us about them in the comments. We’d love to hear!
November 3, 2022
I have a four year old matltess mix. He is very vacol he barks alot and howls. He is my compain pet. I have had he least he was five weeks old. His name is Teddybear. Bear for short. He is my best friend. How do I brake him from barking at people he looks likes to bark at people for different reasons.
November 3, 2022
Hey there, Maryanne.
Teddybear sounds adorable!
And we have an article about stopping your dog from barking at people — check it out and try some of those tips!