All owners want their dogs to be at a healthy weight, but not all dogs are “good eaters.”
If you’ve got an underweight dog, it can be stressful to get her to gain weight. People can be quite quick to judge, even if you are doing your best to get your dog’s weight back up.
Call your vet if you’re really struggling to get your dog to gain weight. Dogs that continue losing weight despite eating food, or experience a sudden change of appetite, need to see a medical professional quickly.
Read on to learn five ways to fatten up a skinny dog!
How to Fatten Up a Dog: Key Takeaways
- It’s important that your dog’s body weight remains in the healthy zone. While some dogs may be slightly heavier or lighter than other members of their breed, you can consult a body condition chart to ensure your pup is in the correct weight range.
- There are several reasons your dog may have trouble maintaining a healthy body weight. This includes things like general pickiness, stress, and illness.
- Be sure to consult your vet if your dog is underweight. Your vet can not only help ensure your dog isn’t battling an illness, he or she can help guide your efforts to pack some pounds on your pooch.
Reasons a Dog May Have Trouble Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
There are a variety of reasons why owners might want to learn how to fatten up a dog, and why a pooch may have trouble putting on weight, including:
Picky Eaters. Some dogs are just plain picky about what they eat — these dogs want the good stuff and are willing to hold out for it!
Sick or in Pain. Illness, pain, and/or stomach issues can also cause dogs to eat less than their owners would like. If your dog skips a meal or two because of a stomach bug, you might not need to panic. But if your dog is chronically turning up food, then it might be time to visit the vet.
If your dog is normally a voracious eater and suddenly isn’t interested in food, get in to the vet as soon as you can.
In the nearly two years I’ve owned my dog Barley, he’s only turned up his nose at his breakfast once. I took him to the vet, and it turned out he had a raging infection from a small cut on his leg. If I’d ignored it and gone to work, things might have taken a turn for the worse.
Stressed. When dogs are stressed or depressed, they may pass up on food. People can be the same way! If your dog won’t eat after a stressful event or doesn’t eat when she’s alone, this might be the culprit.
Whatever the cause of your dog’s dinner distress, we want to help our underweight dogs get to a healthy weight.
How Do I Know If My Dog Is a Healthy Weight?
When trying to determine a healthy weight for your dog, your veterinarian’s office is always a good place to start. Different breeds may have a naturally slimmer or stockier look, and your vet can help make sure you create appropriate weight goals for your canine.
Don’t forget that “normal” might not be healthy for many breeds. It’s not uncommon to see pugs, Labs, and Chihuahuas that look like small hippos — but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy.
This reminder goes both ways: a healthy greyhound will be quite boney! It’s not unusual to see several ribs and even hip bones on a healthy greyhound, while a similar level of bonyness in most other breeds would be concerning.
In general, you should be able to see a narrowing around your dog’s waist. Most dog breeds should also have faint ribcage outlines visible.
Finally, you might see some differences in your dog’s weight based off of activity level. When my border collie is at “competition weight” for agility, herding, and canicross, he’s very lean and muscular. I let him gain a bit of weight early in the winter when he’s in his “off season.” He stays fit and healthy, but he doesn’t have to be ultra-trim year-round!
This simple graphic from Purina can help you decide if your dog is over- or underweight.

I just helped my foster dog, Naomi, gain some serious weight. When she first came into my home, you could see seven ribs and her hip bones poked above her back!
She had no muscle tone, tired easily, and worst of all, would not touch her kibble for breakfast or dinner. After at least three days of trying to coax her to eat, I was at my wit’s end. I felt like a failure of a foster parent, and was legitimately worried that Naomi might waste away.
Was I being played by a foodie dog? Not in this case! Naomi’s reluctance to eat was probably based in some pretty serious stress about her recent life changes paired with an upset stomach from switching foods.
How to Fatten Up A Dog: 5 Tips for Getting Weight On
A combination of these solutions ended up being what got Naomi to a healthy weight in just a few weeks!
For Naomi, the biggest problem was stress. Before I brought her home as a foster, she’d had quite the month.
Her owner left Florida, drove to Colorado, lived in his car with her for a few weeks, then left her at the shelter when it all got to be too much.
Naomi spent a few days at the shelter before being marked for behavioral euthanasia due to her aggression towards other dogs. I stepped in and took her. With that level of upheaval, is it any wonder she wasn’t interested in food?
1. She’ll Eat When She’s Hungry
This is what I kept hearing, and it’s true – your dog will eat when she’s truly hungry.
If your dog skips a meal or two or is having a hard time adjusting to a new situation, she might start eating when things settle down.
Just keep offering food in different forms. She’ll eat when she’s ready — and this might take a while! Be patient and keep trying!
While this is true, that doesn’t mean just wait it out. Try to address your dog’s underlying concerns, such as physical health or stress level. This will often help bring your pup’s appetite back more quickly.
2. She’ll Eat When She’s Healthier

If your dog has a change in eating habits that persists beyond a few days, see a vet. If the change is particularly sudden or extreme (like with my dog Barley), don’t wait. Just go in to see the vet and get a professional opinion.
Loss of appetite and weight loss are both potential signs of serious medical conditions.
Take your dog to the vet to rule out any underlying health conditions that may be causing her lack of eating.
In Naomi’s case, her loss of appetite was paired with diarrhea and vomiting. That’s a major red flag! Naomi’s eating issues turned out to be stress-related (see below), but we still took her to the vet to be sure.
The vet prescribed some probiotics and suggested a few foods that would be easy on Naomi’s stomach once she started eating again.
3. She’ll Eat If The Food Is Yummier
As a dog sitter, I frequently care for dogs that seem uninterested in their food. Some dogs just don’t eat well when their owners leave — they miss them! However, dogs will have a hard time turning their noses up at truly drool-worthy dinners.
If your dog won’t eat when she’s left alone, it could be related to separation anxiety. While skipping a meal or two probably won’t hurt your dog, it’s unwise to leave this separation anxiety untreated. Get help from a separation anxiety specialist to make your dog feel better.
Try making dog’s dinner better by drizzling tuna, olive oil, or egg over the kibble. Just be sure not to create a picky eater by spoiling your dog too much!
Other times, condiments won’t cut it and you’ll have to change the entire entree with a new brand of dog food. Some dogs will only be interested in eating higher quality dog food — and why not?
They probably deserve it! Be careful, though — the most expensive food could still be gross to your dog!
Something as simple as adding tuna or switching to a new brand of food can work wonders when it comes to fattening up a skin-and-bones dog.
If your dog is really struggling to pack on the pounds, don’t worry about creating a picky eater. Just feed her what she’ll eat to get her healthy. You can always wean her off of the ultra-tasty food later.
With Naomi, we tried about five different types of food with different protein sources. Nothing was working, except for treats. She wouldn’t eat her food but would take treats gladly.
Eventually I realized that the problem wasn’t the taste — it was that the treats were hand-delivered.
4. She’ll Eat When She’s Less Stressed
Some dogs will refuse to eat when they’re stressed out. Don’t think of this as being disobedient or wilful. Rather, think of this as your dog’s way of letting you know that she’s really struggling to deal with life right now.
Some of my formerly picky dog-sitting clients eat dinner now that they know me and feel safe with me when their owner is gone. It just took a bit of getting used to me. Many dogs with separation anxiety won’t eat when they’re alone. Some dogs will skip meals after the Fourth of July from fear of fireworks. New shelter and rescue dogs often skip meals due to the big changes in their lives.
In the case of Naomi’s eating issues, stress was the root problem. Naomi had just experienced a massive upheaval prior to us taking her home from the animal rescue – she was confused and scared. As she settled into our home, her appetite returned. This took nearly two weeks!
While refusing food due to situational stress is fairly normal in dogs, if your dog frequently stops eating due to stress, take her to a vet. She might be anxious due to a medical issue or something awry in her environment.
There are lots of ways to help reduce stress for your dog. The first step should be to remove whatever is stressing your dog out, if possible. This might mean skipping town during the annual fireworks display, or putting on a white noise generator during thunderstorms. You can leave dogs with separation anxiety with a sitter.
In short, you have to remove the source of stress as the first step.
Depending on what specifically stresses your dog out, that might be all you need to do. Otherwise, work with a trainer to create a plan for reducing stress in your dog’s life. Products like Adaptil diffusers, Thundershirts, and anti-anxiety medications can also help. For a more detailed example, check out our article on working with dogs that don’t like fireworks.
5. She’ll Eat When You Help Her
Some nervous dogs need extra encouragement at mealtime! When I eventually noticed that the only food Naomi ate was the food I handed to her, I decided to try hand-feeding her dinner.
After four days of not eating and a lot of desperate phone calls with the rescue and vet, we got Naomi to eat a meal.
I took a handful of kibble and offered it to her. I praised her just for showing interest. She took a tentative mouthful, and I praised her more. She spat most of it out, but I was onto something!
We kept trying this throughout the night. Eventually I coaxed her into eating a full cup of food simply by giving her lots of verbal praise for showing interest in food. I literally just told her she was a good dog when she ate. This may sound bogus, but it ended up being the game changer for Naomi!
Go ahead and give this a try with your picky pooch. You might find that just being supportive of your dog is more helpful than drizzling bacon grease all over the kibble!
It might sound crazy, but playing games with your pup’s food is another way to get her interested in eating! Treat-based training and puzzle toys can sometimes help pique a picky pup’s interest in food. This phenomenon is known as contrafreeloading, where animals actually prefer to work for their food. Give it a shot, it can’t hurt!
Bulk Up Dog Bonus Tip: Try High-Calorie Treats and Food
Some dogs won’t eat meals, you may be able to entice them to eat with special, high-value treats. This is a good way to get calories in while you’re working on figuring out how to get your dog to eat a full meal.

We gave Naomi lots of hot dog, cheese, and stuffed Kongs to get her some calories and put some fat on her. I highly recommend trying to get some (heck, really any) food into an underweight dog while you address the long-term problem.
We did not end up spoiling Naomi into a picky eater who would only eat bratwurst and gruyere, since her problem was anxiety based and not due to pickiness.
There are also specific high-caloric dog foods designed to help skinny dogs gain weight — experimenting with those specialty dog foods can help your pooch bulk up fast.
It only takes about five days without food for a dog to become cachexic (begin wasting away). At this point, it will usually become necessary for your vet to insert a feeding tube to help her return to good health.
So, take food refusal seriously and seek veterinary attention if your dog goes more than a day or two without eating.
Best Dog Foods to Help Dogs Gain Weight
Once your dog is eating again, getting the right food into her bowl (or better yet, puzzle toy) will help make weight gain smooth and easy.
Talk to your vet during this process. If your dog has been chronically malnourished or has a sensitive stomach, your vet might want you to skip the bulky foods in favor of an alternative that’s easier on the stomach.
We have a whole article on different foods that help your dog gain weight, but here are a few highlights here:
- Bully Max High-Performance Food: This high-protein, high-fat food has premium ingredients and a premium price tag. It’s marketed for bully breeds but is fine for any dog breed.
- Elite K9 Maximum Bully All Stages Dog Food: This brand also markets heavily towards bully breeds, but Elite K9 will help any dog gain muscle and weight. This brand also provides oatmeal and pumpkin in its food, helping soothe digestive systems.
- Nature’s Logic Canine Meal Feast: This meat-based food also comes with a variety of probiotics and enzymes to help keep your pup’s stomach calm while she gains weight. It comes in a variety of flavors and protein sources, making it a good choice for dogs with allergies.
- Blue Buffalo Life Protection Adult Food: This food is formulated with Glucosamine and Omega 3 and 6 acids to help protect your dog’s skin, coat, and joints. It contains far more brown rice than other foods on this list, but is a great choice for dogs with skin or joint issues.
If your dog really needs to gain weight, help her do it!
If your dog is eating food but not gaining weight, it’s time to see a vet. Increased or steady appetite paired with weight loss can be a sign of serious health conditions.
Have you ever had an underweight dog? How did you get your dog up to an appropriate weight? Share your tips in the comments!
November 19, 2019
shes no longer with us but a few yrs back we had. a lab that got sickly had diarhea and had lost alot of weight . i went online and found a recipe called satin balls. its a mixture of a few things ..i froze them and gave to her as daily treats.. it worked great and she gained up quickly along with deworming her and med to ease the poopies..
November 19, 2019
i have 4 granddogs i take care of. they all eat well their dog food and my food too haha..im a sucker for their guilt trip and share a bite bite of whatever im eating often.. they absolute love for me to hand feed them which i dont do daily but try to a couple times a week. 1 of em just had litter of pups. that are just started learning to eat.. mama eats great but has lost a lil weight and requiring more food im looking for something to feed her to get a lil weight back on her. she dont need to gain alot just a tad too small for how i like to see my babies
October 31, 2019
I just got a pair of underfed Rottie female pups. I was not told they had diarrhea, at the breeders.
September 15, 2019
I have a Pitbull/Great Dane mix that unfortunately was hit by a car on June 2nd. He had surgery to repair his broken femur on the 3rd of June and was doing fine. In 10 days he had to have his staples removed and had a slight fever so the vet put him on a course of Doxycycline and I was a terrible pet parent (again) and didn’t stop it as soon as it started making him sick. He was on it for a week and lost about 10-15 lbs because every time he ate he threw up and I didn’t realize he was apparently allergic to it. Now I’m trying to figure out a way to help him gain weight. He still vomits occasionally even with the food he’s been on since we got him over a year ago. The strange thing is it looks like very fine dirt or silt instead of food if it’s been awhile since he’s eaten. If he throws up soon after eating it usually looks like whole pieces of food. What worries me most is when it looks like the dirt. It’s now almost October and he is still throwing up and I am so scared because he’s not gaining weight. Can anyone please help me? He’s my 16 year old son’s dog and I don’t want anything to happen to him. Any help is greatly appreciated. We also live on a fixed income as I’m disabled. Thank you in advance. P.S. The vet has been of no help at all in this.
September 16, 2019
Hey, Kim.
So sorry to hear about your pooch!
We’d encourage you to go back to the vet without delay. The dirt-like material in your dog’s vomit may be any number of things, but it sounds a bit like partially digested blood. That could be a very serious issue, so you’ll want your vet to take a look immediately.
Also, don’t write off your vet just because your pup didn’t appear to handle the Doxycycline well. Dogs can be allergic to different antibiotics, and your vet wouldn’t have anyway to know that beforehand. Also, the vomiting could have been caused by plenty of other things too. And even if the Doxycycline was causing the problem, you’ll want to replace it with another antibiotic if your pet was still showing signs of an infection.
Our fingers are crossed for your pooch! Let us know how it goes!
(By the way, I removed your phone number for your privacy’s sake.)
May 17, 2019
I have a 15 year old non-descript brown dog with probably a good amount of whippet and rat terrier. She has always eaten raw diet from Susie’s doggy delights in Arizona and has been very healthy. Well about a year and a half ago we moved to an area that did not have a proper Raw diet source in the area so I tried all sorts of dry kibble but she slowly went downhill. Finally about 3 months ago she was in crises, skin and bones. Still running but when she would stop she would almost tip over. I thought that she will need to be put down. I was at my wits end and discovered a recipe for what’s called “satin balls” the original formula. I added a few other ingredients to help her heal. At one point I decided to soak some of the current kibble I’d been trying to feed her to soften it and add it to the recipe and guess what… it never softened! It stayed hard as a rock and this was supposed to be a really good dry kibble! So she was literally starving to death! On satin balls she gained weight and just looks and acts great. Recently I found Bully Max and I’ve been slowly introducing her to soaked Bully Max mixed with the satin balls and I’m hoping to get her a hundred percent on Bully Max because it’s kind of a hassle to make the satin balls. So, for a fast way to have your dog gain weight before introducing to Bully Max try satin balls. Or just feed ’em satin balls. It really works.
June 8, 2021
What is the recipe for satin ball would love to try It for my baby coco she’s a 11 week old German Shepard
May 2, 2019
I’m glad you found something that works for your dog, Jeff! That diet doesn’t quite sound balanced, though. Have you talked to a nutritionist about creating a diet plan that’s both palatable for your pup and nutritionally balanced?
May 2, 2019
My chihuahua has always been a picky eater. She has always hated all forms of dog food. But she likes canned cat food. I only give her a tiny amount of it each day to make sure she is getting a lot of nutrients because canned cat food is nutrient dense food. I then give her raw hamburger, cheddar cheese, cooked oatmeal (in small amounts she will eat it), roman meal bread in tiny pieces with dabs of peanut butter on it. She is back to a normal weight. The key is to find what they like to eat and feed them tiny amounts of it, spread out through the day. Not too much all at one time.
January 21, 2019
I have a Doberman who was really sick I just increased the fat and protein quality of food I don’t by commercial dog food from places like Walmart I go to feed houses where they sell live stock food to me that’s the beat quality of food she loves it an eats like crazy I was giving her the wrong type of food that caused her to have diarrhea and vomiting issues it also cause you to get cherry eye but since I changed the food and feed her twice a day instead of once she is putting on weight and no more vomiting or gaging when she eats
January 22, 2019
I’m glad you’ve found something that’s helping your dog!
January 19, 2019
I have a imported male doberman. Since we have got him I have struggled to put weight on him. He doesnt look terrible but hes not where I want him and people.always say he skinny. We have tried everything to put weight on him. We have gone to the vet and they cant find anything wrong with him. So I’m just left at a dead end. We have tried raw, supplements different kibble you name we have done it!
When I put food out for him he goes up to it and smells it and walks away then comes back and pick each kibble up one by one. It literally takes him almost a hour to eat and sometimes he wont eat at all. Its al.ost like he scared to eat and looks up at me like hes asking permission to eat and slowly eats hes never relaxes when eating always very cautious. We have again tried to boost his confidence but nothing works. He will let any and everything take his food wont even try to stand his ground. We have made it where he ears alone to avoid other dogs/animals taking food.
We made satin balls for him and literally had to force feed him to make him eat it. Cause he was dropping weight to fast. Hes 3 years old and I’m at my wits end. Iv never once had him at a healthy weight we have always been able to see the top of his hip bone stick out and its driving me nuts!
December 2, 2018
My babies name is Maxwell. He is a a French Bulldog. He has always been lean however he had some digestive issues. His diet is rice, Chicken, oatmeal, a little banana ( watch the sugar ) and a supplement for weight gain. All of this and his ribs and spine are very prominent. He is very active and always incredibly hungry. ???
December 2, 2018
Hi Michelle! It might be time to go visit the vet and see if you need to be feeding Maxwell more, or something different, to help him gain weight!
November 30, 2018
I have a great Dane that despite everything I have done she still stays thin. Hip bones, spine, and ribs show. I have taken her to 3 vets and they all say she has skin Dane syndrome and that she will always be thin. She has always been on the thinner side even as a puppy. I have 3 other Danes that are doing great. They all eat about the same amount she just dont put on any weight. I have to keep her on a strick chicken based diet because anything beef based gives her bloody diarrhea. Looking for any suggestions to help her gain weight. She runns plays and is in all other ways healthy.
June 8, 2019
I would love to hear this as well because we have two Danes who are nice and plump but took in a foster yesterday who is just skin and bones almost embarrassed to want to take her on walks until she looks like ours. It’s so sad
November 16, 2018
We rescued our boxer Nelson a little over a year ago. He is almost 2 years old now. The rescue thinks he was left in a crate that was too small for him and neglected. Since we’ve had him he hasn’t gained much weight. He is about 40 pounds and you can still see his ribs and spine. We feed him purina pro plan sport 30/20 grain free – about 3 cups a day. He will not eat it plain, he is pretty picky so we add some rice, chicken breast, or Dyne (liquid calorie supplement) to get him to eat it. Sometimes he isn’t interested and will skip a meal but on average he still eats about 1500 calories a day. His bowel movements are normal, however, I would say he poops more often than most dogs. The vet has ran every test they have and even sent some tests to Texas A&M and everything comes back normal. His demeanor is great, he never throws up his food, he plays with other dogs, everything is great about him except he is skinny. He has muscle in his upper body, but his back legs are pretty weak. Was thinking of trying Bully Max.
November 17, 2018
Poor guy – I’m sure you’ll get him to a healthy weight Bryce. Sounds like you’re doing everything right!
December 29, 2018
Please let me know if the food is working!! We have the same issue with our rescue boxer!!
January 19, 2019
I just read your comment. I swear I thought I was reading Bout my dog. Literally everything you just said is the same thing I’m dealing with. Even down to the hes nice in front end but weak in rear. Have you found anything that works yet?
November 6, 2018
Our long haired chihuahua mix had contracted Lyme disease and another bacterial infection from a tick and we didn’t know until he started not eating and started drastically losing weight, so we ended up taking him in and was diagnosed with acute renal failure and he was going to die, we didn’t have many choices as the care needed was in the thousands, after a week of trying to force feed him I thought we would need to put him down as the vet insisted but as a last resort I went to the internet and found Five Leaf Pet Pharmacy and they have a good amount of information and a holistic approach to repairing the damage and reversing or at least slowing the decline of our Spanky. It is a 3 week cycle of dog greens, a blood cleanse, and Hepara cleanse that you give the dog based on its weight 3 times a day, very low protein diet , distilled drinking water, sweet potato, organic unsweetened applesauce, raw beef recipe for small dogs from Pet I, Pumpkin, cream of wheat and we make a paste out of it and hand feed him by wiping it on his tounge and he eats it. He came from being very lethargic and unable to walk and showing a quick decline towards death but now has recovered to a point where he runs out to see who’s at the door and running in the yard to grooming his sister Lily. It has renewed our faith in this recipe. I hope soon he will be eating on his own but it is ok for now. we are 5 weeks in of the 3 week cycle. This was very inexpensive and we are so positive that he will come out of this. I hope this will help someone else, they have a lot of holistic approach to many dog and cat sicknesses and diseases and wanted to share this story.
November 7, 2018
Wow, I’m glad that this helped you! Thanks for the info!
October 20, 2018
When my dog was sick and wouldn’t eat, I bought baby food and spoon fed her. Laid down right next to her and spooned small portions to her and she did finally get better.
October 21, 2018
Baby food is a great idea! Glad she’s feeling better.
May 6, 2018
I have a Male Boxer named Lincoln. Over the last few days he hasn’t really eaten anything and has not been able to poop. He still tries to go but nothing comes out. He then starting trying to vomit but obviously since there wasn’t anything in his stomach he was unable to bring anything up. He is not drink much either. So two days ago I called my veterinarian and asked them what is should do. They said it didn’t sound good and that I should bring him to the emergency vet so I did. He was there that day then into the next day. I was able to bring him home today (5/5/18) around two. They told me that he didn’t eat anything except a tiny bit of boiled rice and chicken. They said it might be better for him to go home since it would be less stressful. They obviously ran blood work and X-rays and an ultrasound but nothing came back that wasn’t normal. So I did take him home. They sent me home with four medications. I’m just worried they might have sent him home to early and that he isn’t gonna get better. I have managed to give him his bedtime meds and gotten him to eat a tiny bit of yogurt but that’s all. They didn’t give me a diagnosis and they never told me to come back or not. Idk if they really did everything they could. He I had always run a little thin because of being a picky eater and I’ve literally tried tons of different foods. Interested for a week then doesn’t want anything to do with him. And normally he loves anything human food and loves wet dog food but wants nothing to do with it. I guess I was wondering if anyone has any feedback or idea what would be a good idea to try or if I should wait it out or what to do. Very nervous he is gonna starve and dehydrated himself .
June 5, 2018
dog parks help your dog to run and have fun and get hungry they can make new friends helped my dog out alot
June 5, 2018
Great point, exercise is a good way to build up an appetite!
May 1, 2018
My dog is 17yrs old and for 7 day’s can’t get her eat I’ve tried everything tuna hamburger chicken but she won’t eat
May 1, 2018
Hi Debbie – the best course is action is to take your dog to the vet. Especially at that age, there could be plenty of other issues at play into why your dog isn’t eating. Good luck, I hope she’s all right!
October 28, 2019
If you can’t get your dog to eat try pumpkin puree on there food fresh is best. Or the have wholehearted packs at petco i have switch my dog to this brand and irs done wonders for her
October 31, 2017
Dog can be made fat by many things. But Consistency in Dog Diet is the most important thing for a dog’s true growth. if a dog owner wants to built a strong strength in short period of time then maintain a proper diet.
November 1, 2017
You’re absolutely right! Providing your dog with high quality food is important when maintaining or reaching a healthy weight.