Comments on: Elk Antler Dog Chews: Tasty Snacks for Your Canine Your Dog Care Resource For a Healthier, Happier Canine! Thu, 10 Nov 2022 13:32:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terry Muir Sun, 25 Apr 2021 15:58:56 +0000 Our Crane Corso, Meah went through her first heat cycle at 10 months and the Elk antler was very calming for her. Meah is now 3 yrs old and has been on a raw diet since a pup. Teeth are tartar free and breath is alway sweet.

By: Greg G Wed, 29 May 2019 10:29:59 +0000 There are so many brands out there of elk antlers nowadays. I’d like to see someone review like the top 10 “non paid” search results on Google and maybe 10 from Amazon as well to really see the differences and figure out who has the best elk antler.

By: Alice Dayson Sat, 11 Aug 2018 06:08:23 +0000 The Buck Bone Organics elk antler dog chew is my favorite! I love giving these to my dogs. These do seem to last the longest of all the ones I’ve given them. I like the company and it’s good to see these on your list of elk antler chews. Antler chews are way better than pig ear dog chews and bully sticks in terms of smell and grossness. However, some have said that elk antlers, in general, are still bad for a dog’s teeth. My dogs have never had any issues with them and I prefer them over regular beef bones because they have more nutrition in them.

By: Tina Wed, 02 Aug 2017 06:03:44 +0000 Thank You Stephan for the additional helpful information.

By: Stephan Wed, 18 Jan 2017 02:33:52 +0000 Hi Meg, your post has a lot of information that is not quite accurate. First of all, the lead photo is of a European stag antler, not an elk. You also note that elk live in the Northwest part of the USA but Oregon only has a very small herd of Roosevelt elk. Most of the largest herds of elk are as you note Colorado, Wyoming, Montana but also Utah, Nevada and Arizona. The next photo looks to be a caribou due to the front shovels and crowns which elk do not have. Finally, you note that the best time to find sheds is in winter but that is not the case. Bulls start to shed their antlers in early May in Utah and Nevada and into the months of June in the higher country of Colorado and Wyoming. Lastly, the companies you have chosen as your top 3 are notorious for supplying low grade antler that is sun bleached and cracked as well as a lot of farmed antler. There are a number of smaller craft suppliers such as Mountain Dog Chews, Summit Antler Chews and RidgeRunner Antlers that provide a far superior product.
