Comments on: The Farmer’s Dog Review: Is Farmer’s Dog Worth It? Your Dog Care Resource For a Healthier, Happier Canine! Mon, 13 Mar 2023 19:26:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Team Mon, 25 Apr 2022 11:30:37 +0000 In reply to Samantha.

Hey, Samantha. That’s a great way of sorting your way through food-allergy issues.
We hope the tests have pointed you in the right direction!

By: Samantha Sat, 23 Apr 2022 11:59:45 +0000 A week is not enough time to reveal if the new food is helping. We had an allergy test which revealed exactly what not to feed him so we could feed him the right foods for our dog.

By: Ben Team Mon, 31 Jan 2022 12:23:33 +0000 In reply to Debra Arner.

Hey, Debra. We appreciate you sharing your experiences with The Farmer’s Dog. COVID certainly has made grocery shopping a challenge at times, but to be fair, it has also caused disruptions in the conventional dog food supply chain too.
Best of luck!

By: Debra Arner Sun, 30 Jan 2022 14:34:16 +0000 I have newly tried Farmers dog food because I have very picky eater to even her own weightloss etc so finding something she can eat would be great. So I thought that $2 a day would be great right up until I shopped for the ingredients for her food and buying 90% ground beef or chicken is not always possible especially with Covid messing up most of the groceries we use to get easily. So I reached out to them for substitutions and they don’t have any…..when they made the recipes they could have interjected lower cost groceries to make this user friendly for everyone (not just those people who make 6 figures and I told them that as most of the comments on their site are people saying can’t they use something else like frozen chicken breasts instead of ground chicken…figure in the increased sodium and make buying 6# of check go from $45 to $20 easy things…..I hope they note what people are saying and create some new recipes….just my thoughts and actions so far. another interesting fact is the difference between the supplements on Farmers dog and Balance IT….so very different

By: Lisa O Wed, 10 Nov 2021 18:33:50 +0000 In reply to Tamara.

I have been feeding my Shih Tzu and Maltipoo TFD for 6+ months and both are underweight now. I’ve increased portions with what’s left but will cancel as increasing calories raises the price to $40-$50/week per pup! Bummed because they do love it.
