Comments on: Best Dog Car & Booster Seats: Propping You Pup Up! Your Dog Care Resource For a Healthier, Happier Canine! Wed, 22 Jun 2022 19:27:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Gillett Wed, 12 Sep 2018 01:48:07 +0000 Actually I have a question I have a eat Klein Ford van with quite a bit of space between the seats and I am looking for something that my little Yorky can ride in when someone Actually I have a question I have a Econoline Ford van It is a utility van with quite a bit of space between the seats and I am looking for something that my little Yorky can ride in when someone else is in the passenger seat can you please help me thank you for your time Julie else is in the passenger seat can you please help me thank you for your time Julie

By: doug Sat, 01 Jul 2017 22:31:27 +0000 To the posters and the folks reading this, you should NEVER place a dog or other animal in a front seat, precisely because of the danger of the airbag and the dog flying through the window should the product fail.

AND FAIL THEY LIKELY WILL. Please check out Center For Pet Safety check on, granted only 4, seat holders.

By: Meg Marrs Tue, 27 Sep 2016 19:10:56 +0000 In reply to Pepper.

Hey Pepper – many cars do have indicators, but for some cars, the weight of a pet is enough to turn on air bags. Having a pet up front also makes them vulnerable to hitting the windshield during a sudden stop, and can even turn them into projectiles in case of an accident.

No reason to put you or your dog in more danger than necessary!

By: Pepper Tue, 27 Sep 2016 17:27:47 +0000 Airbags usually do not deploy if no one is sitting in the seat. Check your owners manual. Or, do you have an indicator light? Mine reads “off” if the seat is empty or if there is something on it under a certain weight limit. Not sure what that is, but my purse and a shopping bag are not enough to activate it. When I have a passenger the indicator light reads “on”.

By: Victoria Sun, 26 Jun 2016 20:59:13 +0000 Does anyone know of a dog carseat that takes the impact of the airbag into concideration? My airbags will not disable, and I am more concerned about the airbags harming my best friend, than than I am the accident itself. Any ideas or knowledge of a good brand would be greatly appreciated!
