Comments on: Catnip For Dogs: Does It Exist? Your Dog Care Resource For a Healthier, Happier Canine! Thu, 02 Mar 2023 13:58:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Team Thu, 02 Mar 2023 13:58:52 +0000 In reply to Linds.

That sounds like my pooch, Linds! (Well, one of them…)

She loves a variety of fruits and veggies, with asparagus and bell peppers being her favorites. She always magically appears when I’m prepping those items.

Thanks for sharing!

By: Linds Thu, 02 Mar 2023 11:49:17 +0000 My dog goes nuts for veggies. If I break out the cutting board I have to be prepared to be attacked. Bottlegourd, zucchini, daikon (or even regular raddish), cucumber, spinach, tomatoes….he goes nuts for them. I have never seen such a thing in my life and I’m 43 and have had dogs my entire life. I made the mistake of thinking a veg would not interest him and put the shopping bags on the floor to put away and then was missing veg I swore I bought only to find him happily gobbling down on it on the couch. Salad nights are his favorite nights.

By: Ben Team Wed, 27 Jan 2021 22:39:37 +0000 In reply to Brian.

Hey, Brian. You’re right — not sure why the mix up happened, but I’ve removed the video until we can find a better one to replace it.
As a matter of fact, we’re currently working on updating this entire article anyway, so stay tuned (and thanks for pointing out the error)!

By: Brian Wed, 27 Jan 2021 21:04:36 +0000 If you look at the comments from the makers of the above YouTube video, they clearly state that they used coconut-scented spray.

By: Jeremy Kolb Mon, 14 Dec 2020 06:09:24 +0000 That youtube video you left on there… My dog reacts the exact same way except she does it to catnip spray! She also eats the cats catnip if I am not careful and leave it out… I am just now starting to do any research and had never heard of anise. Thanks for posting the video. Maybe I should post a youtube vid of my own except telling the breed and showing it is just catnip!
