Comments on: Best Coyote Deterrents & Repellents: Protecting Your Dog from Coyotes Your Dog Care Resource For a Healthier, Happier Canine! Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:57:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Team Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:57:57 +0000 In reply to Dustin Duimstra.

Hey there, Dustin. We’re so sorry to hear about your pup!
Spike strips may work if they’re pretty substantial and you can figure out a way to mount them to the top of your wall. Let us know how it goes!

By: Dustin Duimstra Mon, 03 Apr 2023 07:18:44 +0000 Two days ago a coyote jumped our 6 foot brick wall and killed my 10-12# chihuahua sometime around 10 am. The attack happened very fast and the dog was gone. Found her body on the other side of the wall. I live is a city in So.California and was shocked that they would attack at that time of day. Looking for ways to protect my other small dog. Both dogs have been using a doggie door for 10+ years with no issue, now we are locking her in permanently. Do wall spike strips work? Looking for ways we can let the dog run outside without fear of another attack.

By: Ben Team Wed, 04 May 2022 11:51:32 +0000 In reply to Bella.

Hey there, Bella.

You’re right — coyote encounters can be frightening, and some are braver than others.
Unfortunately, the feral cat population you mention is undoubtedly contributing to the coyote problem. So, while it sounds like you have quite a bit of affection for them, it’d probably be wise to avoid feeding them — that’ll only increase the odds of their numbers growing.

But just try to stay safe and keep a good eye on your feline friend(s)!

By: Bella Wed, 04 May 2022 11:20:48 +0000 Hi, I’m in AZ. I quickly wanted to share a few stories since I’m kind of worked up at the moment haha! Hopefully venting will help me or others feel not so alone with this struggle.

So an hour ago about 1:50am, I was sitting on my front balcony with my cat sitting in front of me. We have a door on the front balcony but it was slightly open and out of nowhere my cat hissed and puffed up like a Halloween prop so I look up and see a massive coyote poking its head into my balcony trying to get to my cat. I immediately poop myself (no I’m kidding but I almost did.) I started screaming and ran at it, the coyote ran off and my highly intelligent cat decided to run in the same direction of the coyote. I kept my eyes on the coyote but lost my cat (hes fine), luckily my mom and sister came out and helped me shoo it away and find my cat.
I got into my car to make sure it was gone because theres some stray cats here that I’ve been caring for for years. Eventually I found it a few streets away hunting for other cats and boy, this coyote was FEARLESS. I noticed him because I was parked and saw it running straight at my car. I start honking and its as if it was deaf, he didn’t care at all, just went around my car like I was simply a nuisance. I lose him again (darn, theyre so good at being stealthy) then spot him chasing a cat. I’ll save you the time but after some more hazing it ran away and I didn’t see it come back. Now I’m sat at home without a voice and still shakey.

This isn’t the first time I’ve come across them in my ged community because I go on walks with my cat at night.
One time it was a smaller sized coyote or jackal, I spotted it and charged at it, it simply stared at me so I started to walk away and it followed me then tried to circle me. Again, mom and sister to the rescue thank god. This time my cat ran under a car.

The worst was when I was on a walk and saw a coyote chasing a kitten, I take off running after it and as soon as it heard me, it stopped, turned and came at me. I wave my arms around and it decided to walk away thankfully. Sadly, it ran in the direction of a small deaf cat I had been caring for. He picked her up then dropped her after we went after him but the damage was done. I wont go into detail but it was horrible and I miss her very much.

I have found dead cats around before and they were very obviously attacked by an animal.
I had the misfortune of finding my previous cat deceased as well. I still haven’t recovered from that loss.

Anyway, my point is, be very careful, some of them are quite brave. Keep your pets close to you. I don’t think I’ll be courageous enough to go on any other walks after 11pm. I had never experienced nature in that way before so it was very jarring. I feel bad because they need food, its unfortunate they are suffering the consequences of humanity taking over the planet.

By: Ben Team Thu, 03 Feb 2022 12:34:16 +0000 In reply to Rachel.

Oh no, Rachel! We’re so sorry to hear about your pup’s encounter. Hopefully the Coyote Vest will help! Let us know how it works for your pupper.
